Turbulence and scaling processes in the ocean
Direct numerical simulation of chemical reactions in homogeneous isotropic turbulence
Wenwei Wu* , UM-SJTU Joint Institute, Shanghai JiaoTong University/ Univ. Lille, Unite de Mecanique de Lille/ CNRS, Univ. Lille, ULCO, Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences
Lipo Wang, UM-SJTU Joint Institute, Shanghai JiaoTong University
Enrico Calzavarini, Univ. Lille, Unite de Mecanique de Lille
Francois G. Schmitt, CNRS, Univ. Lille, ULCO, Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences
Michael Gauding, Univ Rouen, CORIA, CNRS
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Reactive tracers are of interest for turbulent studies in the engineering domain, in the atmospheric and the oceanic research. These tracers can be chemically or biologically active. The knowledge on the statistical properties, including scaling behaviour, of high order reactions in homogeneous and isotropic turbulence is still very sparse. In this study we consider first order, 1.5 order and second order reactions, using direct numerical simulations of turbulent flows at Taylor based Reynolds number of 220. The spatial and temporal spectra are computed in order to investigate the scaling law of the different reactive scalar fields. Besides, we considered the scaling exponents of structure functions in the different con figurations, and analyzed and compared their intermittency properties.