
Special Session 4: Biogeochemical cycling of trace elements in the ocean: GEOTRACES and beyond
Distribution of trace elements in surface water and sediments from warri river at the Atlantic ocean observatory 12, delta state of Nigeria ; A two years study
Kafayat Adebola Oludare* , Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research
Cosmas Oranu, Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research
Ekene Williams Ikedife, Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research
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Surface water and sediments collected from Warri river over a period of two years were analytically treated and analysed for trace metals. The metals analysed were Fe, Cu, Cr, Mn, Pb, Ni, Cd and Zn. These metals were determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometer of model GBC Senso A. A. Australia. The mean concentrations of aforementioned metals in surface water were lower than those of the sediments and metal value varied significantly in the five sample locations (01 – 05). In surface water, the highest mean concentrations were observed in Fe (5.07 mg/l) and Cu (4.30 mg/l) whereas in sediments, the highest mean concentrations were observed in Fe (5841.75 mg/l) and Zn (334.69mg/l). Thus, mean metal levels in sediments exceeded those of surface water indicating that sediments are a sink for metal pollution load. Computation of contamination/pollution index in sediment matrix revealed that Fe and Zn polluted the sediment significantly whereas Cu, Ni and Cd moderately contaminated the sediments. The mean values of metals in this present study were compared with other values reported by other researchers. Season had a significant effect on the metal concentration as rainy season had lower metal concentration.The elevated metal values were attributed to anthropogenic wastes, runoff, refinery jetty and petroleum explorations around the study area.