
Special Session 8: Marine public education

Collaborate marine education resources through Asia Marine Educators Association(AMEA)
Tuesday 10th @ 1215-1230
Room 5
Yen, Chia-Dai (Ray)* , Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Eduction, National Taiwan Ocean University
Wu, Chin-Kuo, Professor, Graduate Institute of Eduction, National Taiwan Ocean University
Presenter Email:
To promote marine education and to prepare Asian citizens as ocean literate, an association of marine educators working in Asian countries is going to be formed. The idea of an association for Asian marine educators was the result of discuss among the participants of 2015 conference of national Marine Educators Association (NMEA) in the U.S. Participants from Asian Countries greed that we need to organize a marine educators group to produce and disseminate marine education resources throughout Asia. Because it is so multi-cultural, Asia needs special resources tailored to its particular characteristics. Sharing resources will provide an opportunity for marine educators to connect their network. Asia Marine Educators Association (AMEA)establised in November 2015 and set the organization headquarter Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan. The seven inital boards from China, Taiwan, Japan, Bangladesh. The first conference hosted in Taiwan Sep 3-8, 2016 and extend the boards to 13 members Hong Kong, Philippine, Indonesia, and Korea.2017 AMEA will host in Philippine and 2019 in Kangxi China. It is expected to integrate the Asia marine education resource and promote marine education in Asia countries.