
Satellite Workshop: Marine wildlife ecology and conservation

Recent years the satellite tracking tests of China Sea Turtle Bay
Sunday 8th @ 1140-1200
Room 5
Zhongrong Xia* , Guangdong Huidong Sea Turtle National Nature Reserve, China
Presenter Email:
Since 2001, we have conducted 35 satellite tracking experiments and studied migratory route and life time spend of sea turtles in the South China Sea. We found that 1) both adults and juveniles of green sea turtle have similar migratory habits; 2) sea turtles can drift by sea current even though their swimming ability is not weak; 3) all the sea turtle individuals from the same nesting ground belong to the same population, and different individuals of the same population can have different migration routes, which mainly associated with their age, life habit, habitat, feeding ground and whether in the year of nesting; and 4) juveniles of green sea turtle prefer migrate along shallow coast and their feeding grounds usually are located to the sunshine, for instance, the eastern coast of Honghai Bay, Hainan Island and Taiwan Island.