
General Session 4: Marine environment, ecosystem & sustainability
Assessment of the state of vitality of a marine Ecosystem facing the investment project: the case of mining, port infrastructure in Toamasina (Eastern Madagascar)
Andry Herizo Rasolomaharavo* , University of Antananarivo, the Faculty of Science, the Department of Animal Biology, Madagascar/ Centre National de la Recherche Oc¨¦anographique (CNRO), Vangaindrano, Annexe du CNRO Nosy ¨C be, Madagascar.
Ranalison OLIARINONY, University of Antananarivo, the Faculty of Science, the Department of Animal Biology, Madagascar.
Jean MAHARAVO, Centre National de la Recherche Oc¨¦anographique (CNRO), Vangaindrano, Annexe du CNRO Nosy ¨C be, Madagascar.
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This study, realized in July 2014 in the eastern region of Madagascar, particularly in Toamasina allows analyzing the state of vitality of marine ecosystems in front of the investment project. Two cases were studied: the case of mining project and port infrastructure in Toamasina. The eastern region was chosen as the site of study because it brings the typical cases of what is happening in the Big Island in terms of potential impacts of investments project on coastal and marine ecosystems. Several indicators were assessed, such as: the percentage of coral coverage of the substrate and the existence of bio-indicator species, concentrations of heavy metals in water, sediments and biota, and the availability of fishery resources by LIT (Line Intercept Transect) method. The results obtained during this intervention showed that certain sites have higher degradation compare to others. Several factors are responsible for these acts, among other human behavior, industrial and tourism activities. Another reason for these destructions come from the vicinity of some sites to the coast whereas the others are isolated. Also, most of the coastal living being in this area live dependly to the marine resources. The analyze of heavy metal component contained inside sediment, biota and sea water show that none of the thresholds is reached, according to the Nairobi Convention. The recorded values ​​are significantly lower than those that can have lethal risks. Given these environmental issues that are facing the region of Toamasina, the rigorous monitoring of this marine area with high ecological values should be established. The continuous monitoring would be better for the management of available marine resources.

Keywords: Coral reef, Mining project, Heavy metals, Coastal and marine infrastructures, Toamasina, Madagascar.

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