
General Session 1: Physical oceanic processes: Dynamics and physical-biological-biogeochemical interactions

Phytoplankton blooms associated with mesoscale activities: cases in the South China Sea
Monday 9th @ 1130-1145
Conference Hall
Wenfang Lu* , University of Delaware & Xiamen University
Yuwu Jiang, Xiamen University
Xiao-Hai Yan, University of Delaware
Enhui Liao, University of Delaware
Presenter Email:
A coupled physical-biological model was developed in order to study the mechanisms of the winter bloom in the Luzon Strait (referred as LZB), as well as the summer bloom near the Vietnamese Coast (referred as VCB) in the South China Sea. Based on a simulation for January, 2010, the results showed that the model was capable of reproducing the key features of the LZB, such as the location, inverted-V shape, twin-core structure and bloom intensity. The simulation showed that the LZB occurred during the relaxation period of intensified northeasterly winds, when the deepened mixed layer started to shoal. Nutrient diagnostics showed that vertical mixing was responsible for the nutrient supply to the upper ~40 m layer, while subsurface upwelling supplied nutrients to the region below the mixed layer. Hydrodynamic diagnostics showed that the advection of relative vorticity (RV) primarily contributed to the subsurface upwelling. The RV advection was resulted from an offshore jet, which was associated with a northeasterly wind, flowed across the ambient RV field.