
Special Session 4: Biogeochemical cycling of trace elements in the ocean: GEOTRACES and beyond

What controls dissolved iron distribution in the ocean?
Monday 9th @ 1425-1445
Room 4
Jingfeng Wu* , University of Miami
Presenter Email:
Iron (Fe) is an essential micronutrient for algal growth in the ocean. Because of low seawater Fe solubility, Fe depletion in the ocean limits primary production and influences oceanic biological pump, glacial/interglacial variations of atmospheric carbon dioxide and climate. Understanding what controls dissolved Fe distribution in the ocean is necessary if we are to appropriately include Fe in the models of oceanic carbon cycle. In this talk, new Fe data from the US GEOTRACES Atlantic and Pacific section cruises will be presented. Current understanding and future research directions on the processes controlling the distribution of dissolved Fe in the ocean will be discussed.