
Special Session 1: Ecosystem under multiple stressors

Ocean acidification: The theoretical revolution
Wednesday 11th @ 0920-0945
Multi-function Hall
Dupont, Sam* , University of Gothenburg
Presenter Email:
Ocean acidification research is moving toward a new generation of experiments testing the impact of the alteration of the carbonate system on marine species and ecosystems. Recent experiments tend to include more than one driver (e.g. ocean acidification and temperature), ecological interactions and long term experiments allowing transgenerational processes. However, it is not possible to experimentally test all species and ecosystems including relevant environmental conditions (and their variability). Another approach consists in revisiting existing data in the light of physiology, ecotoxicology, ecology and evolutionary theories. When combined with creative modelling and specific hypothesis-driven experiments, this will allow bridging observed and predicted changes in the carbonate system with biological responses and associated impacts on ocean services. This will be illustrated by several recent success stories in the field of physiology, ecology and evolution.