
General Session 2: Marine & estuarine biogeochemistry

Global RM-scaled nutrients dataset and its application to studies of global physical/biogeochemical changes in the ocean
Wednesday 11th @ 1500-1520
Conference Hall
Michio Aoyama* , RCGC-JAMSTEC/Fukushima Univ.
Presenter Email:
To better manage the global impacts of human activities on the world’s oceans, it is necessary to have accurate observations of changes in carbon and dissolved nutrients in both upper and deep ocean waters. Therefore it is very important and basic issues to improve comparability of nutrients data in the world ocean. Our community also already created internally consistent global nutrients dataset, GLODAPv2, by doing exceptionally well quality control and bias adjustment obtained inversion method to minimize offset. In this presentation, global RM-scaled nutrients dataset will be presented. About 47000 profiles from WOCE/CLIVAR cruises were compiled and factor correction based on comparison within 250km radius at 120 cross over points in global ocean. An average nutrients concentration between 1000 m and 2000m for each profile was calculated after quality control to discard outliers. Factors to correct offset were determined as the nutrients concentration obtained using Reference Materials of Nutrients in Seawater, RMNS, should be assigned factor 1, then the factors for other cruises were assigned. Then factors obtained for each cruise were propagated worldwide. Not only obtaining factors of each cruise, a gridded dataset was crated which have vertical 138 levels and horizontally interpolated in 0.5 deg. by 0.5 deg. field. The new approach can provide more realistic distribution of nutrients in the world ocean and this would be useful to study changes in the distribution of concentrations of nutrients in the world ocean and also useful as new initial conditions for modelers who studies global changes.