
第一章 总则

为了贯彻教育部颁发的《关于加强学术道德建设的若干意见》,维护学术尊严,倡导严谨求实的学风,维护实验室的良好声誉,根据国家有关法律法规,遵循国际惯例,结合实验室实际,特制 订 本规范。


本规范适用于所有以厦门大学近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室名义从事学术活动的人员,包括近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室的 所有成员(含固定人员、流动人员、讲座教授、客座教授及其 学生、博士后 )以及 在实验室学习或工作的访问学者、进修教师及兼职人员。

第二章 学术道德规范
第三条: 在学术活动中,应牢固树立求实、创新的科学精神,严格遵守《中华人民共和国著作权法》、《中华人民共和国专利法》等有关知识产权的法律法规,遵守下述学术道德规范:
(一) 进行学术研究,应全面了解他人的已有成果,充分尊重他人的知识产权。在作品中引用他人或自己发表的成果,必须注明出处;从他人作品中转引第三人的成果,必须做出说明。如引用他人未发表资料,引用前必须征得被引用者同意并保障作者权益。被引用的部分不能构成引用人作品的主要部分或者实质部分;直接引用必须使用引号,间接引用应使用自己的语言来表述引文中的相关内容并加以标注。
(二) 学术成果发表、发布应通过正常渠道,如学术期刊、出版社、国家及地方政府主管部门组织的鉴定验收等。
(三) 在科技探索中,必须如实记录并报告试验结果和统计资料。
(四) 鼓励人员协作与数据共享,合作作品应按照在学术成果产生过程中所作贡献大小的原则确定署名的先后,但另有学科署名惯例或作者另有约定的除外。任何合作作品在发表前均须按照出版物的要求,经过所有署名人签字或其他方式认可,所有署名人应对本人完成的部分负责,通讯作者应对作品整体负责。
第四条: 在第二条所列人员中有下列行为之一者被视为违反了学术道德规范:
(一) 在公开发表的作品中,不加注明使用他人成果,或将他人的观点、思想改头换面后据为己有,或直接袭用他人的作品框架与文字。
(二) 在与自己的劳动无关的作品中署名,或通过不正当手段偷换署名或改动署名顺序,或未经他人(包括学生)同意将合作研究的成果仅以个人或联合署名发表。
(三) 在填报学术情况时提供虚假的学术成果、伪造不实的专家鉴定意见、证书或其他证明学术能力的材料。
(四) 虚构、篡改试验结果或统计资料。
(五) 通过媒体故意夸大、渲染研究成果的科学含量、经济价值和社会影响且造成不良结果。
(六) 为增加个人学术成果数量而一稿多投,或将内容无实质差别的成果改头换面作为多项成果发布,或先在中文期刊发表,再翻译成英文发表(中英文期刊为姊妹期刊明文允许除外)。
(七) 其他违背学术同行公认的道德准则的行为与表现。
第三章 承诺与责任
第五条: 实验室要求相关人员署名“厦门大学近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室”的文章或其他学术成果,在正式发表前必须在实验室网站上在线提交《学术规范承诺书》,承诺该文章没有违反学术道德。
第六条: 网络系统将通过MEL相关人员提交的承诺书自动生成成果编号。如在正式发表前未收到作者的承诺书,MEL将不承担任何相关后果,该成果也将不编入实验室的论文成果。
第七条: 对违背学术道德规范者,一经查实,依情节、后果严重程度,将给予警告直至开除处分。在人事任用、学术晋级、研究生毕业、博士后出站中,按照学校规定给予相应的否决,对违反学术道德规范而获取的学术职衔或荣誉予以取消或建议取消。
第四章 附则
第八条: 本规范由近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室室务委员会负责解释。
第九条: 本规范自2013年1月1日起试行。

Guidelines for Responsible Conduct of Research
State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (Xiamen University)

I General Provisions
Article I

These guidelines are formulated to promote research integrity through the responsible conduct of research, as stated under the “Advices on Improving Academic Ethics” issued by the Ministry of Education.

Article II

These guidelines apply to all research and scholarly activity carried out in association with the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (MEL), Xiamen University by MEL employees, adjuncts, students, postdoctoral fellows, and visiting scholars, as well as any and all other “MEL members” .

II Academic Ethics
Article III In all research activities, MEL members should abide by the “Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China”, the “Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China” and any other laws and regulations related to intellectual property, and follow the guidelines listed below:
(一) Researchers should respect the intellectual property of others during their scientific research. When referring to published materials or information, sources should be properly cited or credited. If charts, graphs, data sets, or numerical information obtained from a third party or from published materials are used, sources must be cited. Whether you quote directly or paraphrase the information, you must acknowledge your sources by citing them. When original sentences are directly used, they should be quoted with quotation marks. In the case of referring to unpublished materials, prior agreement must be obtained from the original source and proper citation should be given.
(二) Research results should be published in formal and legal ways, such as in peer-reviewed journals, publishers, or reviewed by related governments or agencies.
(三) Fabrication and falsification of research data and results are serious forms of misconduct. It is the primary responsibility of the researcher to avoid either false statements or omissions that would distort the research record.
(四) Publications of collaborative work must give appropriate credit to all participants for their roles in the research, which should be shown in proper authorship or acknowledgement. If more than one person has contributed significantly, the decision of who will be listed as co-authors should reflect the relative contributions of the various participants. No one should not be listed as an author without his or her knowledge, permission, and having reviewed the final version of the manuscript that includes the names of all co-authors.
Article IV The following behaviors in research activities are considered serious forms of misconduct.
(一) Authors who present the text, data, or ideas of others in the way that indicates or implies that they are their own, without citation in a form appropriate for the medium of presentation, are committing theft of intellectual property and may be guilty of plagiarism and of research misconduct.
(二) Publishing a manuscript without giving appropriate credit to all authors for their roles in the research or listing someone as co-author without his or her knowledge, permission, and having reviewed the final version of the manuscript.
(三) Falsifying academic achievements, review reports, certificates and other proofs or materials of academic status provided during evaluation, personnel promotion, student graduation, award reviews, etc.
(四) Fabrication and falsification of research data and results.
(五) Deliberately exaggerating research findings or its economic value or social impact in the media.
(六) Publishing the same article in two different places without acceptable justification, without appropriately referencing the earlier publication in later one(s), or without obtaining permission from the editor of the publications involved.
(七) Other behaviors that are commonly deemed as research misconducts.
III Pledge and Responsibilities
Article V Authors who submit any manuscripts, reports, or other publications that list the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (Xiamen University) as their affiliation, should log in the MEL website and submit a Researcher’s Pledge of Ethical Conduct Form online before the manuscript(s) is/are published.
Article VI MEL will number the manuscript(s) according to Pledge ID number. MEL would not bear any consequences if the author fails to submit the Pledge before the manuscript is published.
Article VII Any violation of academic integrity is a serious offense and is therefore subject to an appropriate sanction or penalty. Sanctions will include suspension of funding and research activity or expulsion from MEL and Xiamen University. Any honors or degrees obtained while using fraudulent materials or exhibiting the misconduct behaviors listed previously will be revoked or withdrawn.
IV Supplementary
Article VIII The State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (Xiamen University) has the authority for the interpretation of the guidelines.
Article IX The guidelines are in effect as of January 1, 2013.