洪海征 博士
厦门大学翔安校区周隆泉楼 |
Dr. Hong Haizheng
Nanqiang Chair Professor
zhoulongquan building,xiangan campus,xiamen university. |
Tel: 2189879 Email: honghz@xmu.edu.cn |
个人简介 |
Brief CV |
B. S., Biology, Xiamen University (07/2000)
M. S., Biology, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (06/2003)
Ph. D., Environmental Toxicology, University of California at Riverside (12/2007)
Research Investigator, Bristol-Myers Squibb (01/2008-06/2011)
Associate Professor, Xiamen University (08/2011-08/2017)
Professor, Xiamen University (09/2017-present)
Research Interests |
Environmental fate and transport of organic pollutants and their impacts on marine ecosystems; physiologycal and ecological response of marine phytoplankton to global change
Selected Publications |
Hong H.Z., Shen R., Zhang F.T., Wen Z.Z., Chang S.W., Lin W.F., Kranz S.A., Luo Y.-W., Kao S.-J., Morel F.M.M., Shi D.L.* (2017) The complex effects of ocean acidification on the prominent N2-fixing cyanobacterium Trichodesmium. Science doi: 10.1126/science
Hong H.Z., Li W.Y., Li X.L., Huang B.Q., Shi D.L.* (2017) Determination of glycolic acid in natural seawater by liquid chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods doi: 10.1002/lom3.10187
Hong H.Z.*, Lv D.M., Liu W.X., Huang L.M., Chen L.Y., Shen R., Shi D.L. (2017) Toxicity and Bioaccumulation of Three Hexabromocyclododecane Diastereoisomers in the Marine Copepod Tigriopus japonicas. Aquatic Toxicology 188: 1-9
Hong H.Z., Li D.M., Lin W.F., Li W.Y., Shi D.L.* (2017) Nitrogen nutritional condition affects the response of energy metabolism in diatoms to elevated carbon dioxide. Marine Ecology Progress Series 567: 41-56
Shi DL, Lv DM, Liu WX, Shen R, Li DM, Hong HZ.* (2017) Accumulation and developmental toxicity of hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) on the marine copepod Tigriopus japonicas. Chemosphere 167: 155-162.
Hong H.Z.*, Shen R., Liu W.X., Li D.M., Huang L.M., Shi D.L.* (2015) Developmental toxicity of three hexabromocyclododecane diastereoisomers in embryos of the marine medaka Oryzias melastigma. Marine Pollution Bulletin 101: 110-118.
Shi D.L.*, Li W.Y., Hopkinson B., Hong H.Z., Li D.M., Kao S.J., Lin W.F. (2015) Interactive effects of light, nitrogen source and carbon dioxide on energy metabolism in the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. Limnology and Oceanography 60: 1805-1822.
Hong H.Z., Li D.M., Shen R., Wang X.H., Shi D.L.* (2014) Mechanisms of hexabromocyclododecanes induced developmental toxicity in marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) embryos. Aquatic Toxicology 152: 173-185
Hong HZ, Caceres-Cortes J, Su H, Huang H, Roongta V, Bonacorsi S Jr, Hong Y, Tian Y, Iyer RA Humphreys GW and Christopher J (2011). Mechanistic studies on a P450-mediated rearrangement of BMS-690514: conversion of a pyrrolotriazine to a hydroxypyridotriazine. Chem. Res. Toxicol., 24, 125-134.
Hong HZ, Cao HC, and Wang Y (2007). In-vivo Detection and Genotoxicity of a Guanine-cytosine Intrastrand Crosslink Lesion. Nuclear Acids Res. 35(21):7118-7127.