Other Information

Time Zone
Time Zone: GMT plus 8 hours

Useful Numbers:
Telephone country code: +86
Telephone area code: 592
Police: 110
Fire Department: 119
Ambulance: 120
Local directory assistance: 114 (service in Chinese only)

Currency and Bank Information:
The RMB (Renminbi) is the official currency, also called Chinese Yuan. Only RMB can be used when you are in China. Major credit cards including VISA, MasterCard, and American Express are accepted at some hotels, department stores and restaurants.
Exchange rate is now about
Aug 3rd, 2018
1 Euro = 7.96755CNY
1 USD= 6.87526CNY
The universal Currency Converter: http://www.xe.com/ucc/
Currency exchange service is available at the airport Office of the Bank of China. Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Construction Bank of China, and Guangda Bank also provide ATM service in the terminal.
There are a few banks on the Xiang'an campus of Xiamen University. Most of banks are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or 5:30 p.m. on weekdays, and close earlier on Saturdays and Sundays.

Tipping is not a part of Chinese custom. A 10% to 15% service charge may be added to your bill at some tourist hotels thus no tipping is expected unless you are provided with extra service. It is not necessary to tip a taxi driver unless he/she assists with luggage or provides extra service.

The standard domestic power supply in China is 220 V AC at 50 Hz. The standard sockets are two parallel lines
and three lines as shown on the right photo.   

No responsibility can be assured for any kind of personal accidents, sickness, theft, or property damage suffered by conference participants. Participants are advised to arrange whatever insurance they consider it necessary.

Xiamen is a subtropical coastal city. The temperature in Jan is between 10-17 ℃, with an average of 15℃ (59°F). The average precipitation in Jan is about 37 mm. Yahoo’s 5-day Xiamen weather report: http://weather.yahoo.com/forecast/CHXX0140_f.html

For more useful and interesting local information, visit http://amoymagic.com/ maintained by Dr. Bill Brown and Sue Brown.


Dinning around Xiamen University's Siming Campus is very convenient. Restaurants, cafés and bars can be easily found at the Da Xue Road, Ding Ao Zai Road, Sha Po Wei and shopping malls along these roads, such as Xiamen Shimao Mall and the Forward Mall.

Forward Mall 富万邦商业广场(opposite to the West Gate)


Tang Yan 堂宴 (Third floor; 0592-6730666)

(2) Two Tomato 两个番茄(Fourth floor; 0592-5591314)

KFC 肯德基 (First floor)

(4) MacDonald 麦当劳(First floor)

Ding Ao Zai Road 顶澳仔路(8 mins walk distance from the West Gate)

(1) Zhu House 助屋 (39 Ding Ao Zai road)
(2) Champion Pizza 千尊披萨(18-14 Ding Ao Zai road; 0592-2088776)
(3) Cai Jia Po 蔡家坡 (21 Ding Ao Zai road; 0592-2086765)

Xiamen Shimao Shopping Mall 厦门世茂大厦(10 mins walk distance from the West Gate)

(1) You Go COCO ZONE 芭缇沁园椰子鸡(Third floor; 0592-2085562)

J Da Xia J 大侠中华料理(Third floor; 0592-2098876)

(3) North Xinjiang restaurant 北疆饭店旗舰店(fourth floor; 0592-7165711)
(4) Taoxiang Hot pot 陶乡火锅(fourth floor; 0592-5807370)

Da Xue Road 大学路 (8 mins walk distance from the West Gate)

(1) Thank You Cafe (162 Da Xue Road; 0592-2082609)
(2) Now Cafe 闹咖啡(160 Da Xue Road; 0592-2090978)

213 Sea food Restaurant 213 海鲜大排档(213 Da Xue Road; 8950110977)

Sha Po Wei 沙坡尾 (20 mins walk distance from the West Gate)

(1) Japanese Restaurant 烧鸟居酒屋(154 Da Xue Road; 0592-5598877)
(2) Mojito (Fourth floor, 60 Sha Po Wei; 0592-2080676)