Honors Awards
Research Group
  欢迎光临 陈友淦 博士、博士生导师的个人主页  

陈友淦  博士、博士生导师

Dr. CHEN Yougan, IEEE Senior Member
Associate Professor
Xiping Bldg Rm C3-216, Xiang'an Campus of XMU, Fujian 361102, China
Email: chenyougan(at)xmu.edu.cn
项目课题 Programs
  • 2023~2026, 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“基于强化学习的海洋环境适配水声协作网络路由关键技术研究,” (No. 62271423), 55万, 项目负责人.
    2023~2026, National Natural Science Foundation of China-General: “Research on Key Techniques of Ocean Environment Adaptive Underwater Acoustic Cooperative Network Routing Based on Reinforcement Learning,” (Grant No. 62271423), CNY 550K, PI.
  • 2016~2021, 国家重点研发计划海洋环境安全保障重点专项子任务:“固定节点的水声通信与组网技术-水声通信协作传输技术,” (No. 2016YFC1400204), 60万, 项目负责人.
    2016~2021, National Key Research and Development Program of China on Specific Project for Marine Environmental Security-Subtopic: “Cooperative Transmission Techniques for Underwater Acoustic Communications,” (Grant No. 2016YFC1400204), CNY 600K, PI.
  • 2023~2024, 福建省海洋经济政产学研用金及学科联盟科技项目计划:"基于元学习的水声网络水质监测预警技术研究,”(No. FOCAL2023-0201), 40万, 项目负责人.
    2023~2024, Fujian Ocean Synergy Alliance(FOCAL) Science and Technology Project: “Research on Water Quality Monitoring and Early Warning Techniques with Underwater Acoustic Networks Based on Meta-Learning,”(Grant No. FOCAL2023-0201), CNY 400K, PI.
  • 2023~2025, GF科技工业海洋防务技术创新中心创新基金:"水下无人集群智能分簇优化组网技术研究,”(No. JJ-2022-715-02), 30万, 项目负责人.
    2023~2025, Marine FW Technology Innovation Center Innovation Fund: “Research on Intelligent Clustering Optimization Networking of Underwater Unmanned Swarm,”(Grant No. JJ-2022-715-02), CNY 300K, PI.
  • 2024~2025, 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金/厦门大学校长基金:"面向AUV集群编队的水声组网智能MAC关键技术研究,”(No. 20720240098), 170.54万, 项目负责人.
    2023~2025, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China: “Research on Key Techniques of Intelligent MAC in Underwater Acoustic Networking for AUV Swarm Formation,”(Grant No. 20720240098), CNY 1705.4K, PI.
  • 2023~2026, 深圳市科技计划基础研究面上项目:"基于人工智能的小样本水声数据识别技术研究,”(No. JCYJ20230807091406013), 30万, 项目负责人.
    2023~2026, Basic Research Program of Science and Technology of Shenzhen, China: “Research on Small Sample Underwater Acoustic Data Recognition Techniques Based on Artificial Intelligence,”(Grant No. JCYJ20230807091406013), CNY 300K, PI.
  • 2021~2023, 辽宁省自然科学基金联合基金计划:"不确定海洋环境下AUV水声通信组网关键技术研究,”(No. 2021-KF-22-08), 5万, 项目负责人.
    2021~2023, Joint Fund of Science & Technology Department of Liaoning Province and State Key Laboratory of Robotics, China: “Research on Key Techniques of AUV-Assisted Underwater Acoustic Communication Networking in Uncertain Ocean Environments,”(Grant No. 2021-KF-22-08), CNY 50K, PI.
  • 2020~2023, 深圳市科技计划基础研究面上项目:"基于人工智能技术的水声协作通信网络路由选择研究,”(No. JCYJ20190809161805508), 30万, 项目负责人.
    2020~2023, Basic Research Program of Science and Technology of Shenzhen, China: “Research on the Routing of Underwater Acoustic Cooperative Communication Networks Based on Artificial Intelligence,”(Grant No. JCYJ20190809161805508), CNY 300K, PI.
  • 2022~2023, 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金/厦门大学校长基金:"基于元学习和神经网络的水下地形匹配辅助导航算法研究,”(No. 20720220047), 41.6万, 项目负责人.
    2022~2023, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China: “Research on Underwater Terrain Matching Aided Navigation Algorithm Based on Meta-Learning and Neural Network,”(Grant No. 20720220047), CNY 416K, PI.
  • 2020~2023, 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“基于OFDM智能联合优化的水声协同通信技术研究,” (No. 61971362), 59万, 第一合作人.
    2020~2023, National Natural Science Foundation of China-General: “Research on Underwater Acoustic Cooperative Communication Technology Based on OFDM Intelligent Joint Optimization,” (Grant No. 61971362), CNY 590K, Co-PI.
  • 2020~2023, 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“风浪对中高频相干水声通信的影响研究,” (No. 41976178), 65万, 第二合作人.
    2020~2023, National Natural Science Foundation of China-General: “Research on the Impact of Wind-generated Waves on Mid-high-frequency Coherent Underwater Acoustic Communications,” (Grant No. 41976178), CNY 650K, Co-PI.
  • 2017~2020, 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“极端海况下的稳健水声通信关键技术研究,” (No. 41676024), 75万, 第二合作人.
    2017~2020, National Natural Science Foundation of China-General: “Research on Key Techniques for Reliable Underwater Acoustic Communication under Extreme Ocean Conditions,” (Grant No. 41676024), CNY 750K, Co-PI.
  • 2018~2020, 深圳市科技计划基础研究自由探索项目:“面向海洋声学数据搜集的节点协作水声通信研究,” (No. JCYJ20170818141735140), 50万, 项目负责人.
    2018~2020, Basic Research Program of Science and Technology of Shenzhen, China: “Research on Node Cooperative Underwater Acoustic Communications for Marine Acoustic Data Collection,” (Grant No. JCYJ20170818141735140), CNY 500K, PI.
  • 2015~2018, 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“水声网络多跳中继策略与动态编码协作技术研究,” (No. 41476026), 98万, 项目负责人.
    2015~2018, National Natural Science Foundation of China-General: “Research on Techniques of Multi-hop Relay Strategies and Dynamic Coded Cooperation for Underwater Acoustic Networks,” (Grant No. 41476026), CNY 980K, PI.
  • 2018~2019, 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金/厦门大学校长基金:“海洋哺乳动物监测网络中的水声协作通信关键技术,” (No. 20720180078), 50万, 项目负责人.
    2018~2019, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China: “Key Techniques of Underwater Acoustic Cooperative Communications for Marine Mammal Monitoring Networks,” (Grant No. 20720180078), CNY 500K, PI.
  • 2015~2018, 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“基于优化的水声信道干扰消除技术研究,” (No. 61471309), 85万, 第二合作人.
    2015~2018, National Natural Science Foundation of China-General: “Research on Techniques of Optimized Interference Mitigation for Underwater Acoustic Channels,” (Grant No. 61471309), CNY 850K, Co-PI.
  • 2014~2016, 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金/厦门大学基础创新科研基金:“海洋环境立体监测网络中的水声数据编码协作搜集技术研究,” (No. 20720140506), 24万, 项目负责人.
    2014~2016, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China: “Research on Techniques of Underwater Acoustic Data Coded Cooperative Collection for Marine Environment Monitoring Networks,” (Grant No. 20720140506), CNY 240K, PI.
  • 2014~2016, 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金新教师类课题:“水声网络动态编码协作技术研究,” (No. 20130121120033), 4万, 项目负责人.
    2014~2016, Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education: “Research on Technology of Dynamic Coded Cooperation for Underwater Acoustic Networks,” (Grant No. 20130121120033), CNY 40K, PI.
  • 2014~2017, 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“水声网络跨层设计中的信道-网络联合编码技术研究,” (No. 41376040), 81万, 第一合作人.
    2014~2017, National Natural Science Foundation of China-General: “Research on Joint Channel-Network Coding Techniques for Cross-Layer Design in Underwater Acoustic Networks,” (Grant No. 41376040), CNY 810K, Co-PI.
  • 2011~2013, 厦门大学基础创新科研基金研究生项目: “浅海水声信道自适应高效纠错码技术研究,” (No. 201112G020), 12万, 项目负责人.
    2011~2013, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China: “Study on Adaptive High Efficient Error-correcting Codes over Shallow-water Acoustic Channel,” (Grant No. 201112G020), CNY 120K, PI.
  • 2012~2015, 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“水声通信中自适应信道编码关键技术研究,” (No. 41176032), 72万, 主要参与人.
    2012~2015, National Natural Science Foundation of China-General: “Research on the Core Technology of Adaptive Channel Coding for Underwater Acoustic Communications,” (Grant No. 41176032), CNY 720K, in participant.
  • 2010~2012, 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金博导类课题:“浅海多途水声信道中的高效纠错码技术研究,” (No. 20090121110001), 6万, 第一合作人.
    2010~2012, Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education: “Study on High Efficient Error-correcting Codes over Shallow-water Multipath Acoustic Channel,” (Grant No. 20090121110001), CNY 60K, Co-PI.
  • 2008~2010, 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“水声信道高效率编解码技术研究,” (No. 40776022), 36万, 主要参与人.
    2008~2010, National Natural Science Foundation of China-General: “Research on High Efficient Channel Coding and Modulation Techniques over Shallow-water Acoustic Communication,” (Grant No. 40776022), CNY 360K, in participant.