区域性海平面变化显明的时间 Time of emergence for regional sea-level change
凌峰论坛第四十六讲:海洋动物免疫防御与水产健康 Lingfeng Forum #46: Immune defense of marine animals and aquaculture health
Source and biolability of ancient dissolved organic matter in glacier and lake ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau
持续高温与偶然降雨对潮间带帽贝嫁虫戚种群动态的影响及其机制 Stress modulation of cellular metabolic sensors: interaction of stress from temperature and rainfall on the intertidal limpet Cellana toreuma
凌峰论坛第四十五讲:海洋浮游植物固氮与环境因子 Lingfeng Forum #45: Nitrogen fixation by marine phytoplankton and environmental factors
凌峰论坛第四十二讲:海洋分析技术与仪器研发 Lingfeng forum on marine analytical techniques and instrumentation
从钚同位素组成和分布看核爆实验的后续影响 Isotopic Composition and Distribution of Plutonium in Northern South China Sea Sediments Revealed Continuous Release and Transport of Pu from the Marshall Islands