MEL每月人物推荐 Faculty Spotlight

Dr. Jinyu Yang, a new MELer in marine particle dynamics and nitrogen cycle
发布日期:2019-7-12      浏览次数:2669

杨进宇博士于2019年5月加盟厦门大学近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室(MEL),为海洋化学方向的助理教授。杨进宇于2015年获厦门大学环境科学博士学位,师从戴民汉教授和高树基教授。研究生期间,曾作为交换学生赴台湾中央研究院访学两年。2015-2016年,他受聘MEL助理研究员;2016年初,获得韩方全额资助,前往韩国浦项工科大学(POSTECH)进行博士后研究,为期两年半,合作导师为著名海洋化学家Kitack Lee教授。



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Dr. Jinyu Yang joined in Xiamen University since May 2019. He is now an assistant professor of chemical oceanography at the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (MEL, Xiamen University). Dr. Yang got his PhD in Environmental Science at Xiamen University in 2015, co-supervised by Prof. Minhan Dai and Prof. Shuh-Ji Kao. During graduate studies, he stayed at Academia Sinica (Taipei) for two years as a visiting student. Since 2015, he was an assistant research scientist at MEL for one year. After receiving the postdoc fellowship from Korea in early 2016, he moved to Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) to work with Prof. Kitack Lee, a world-renowned marine chemist, for two and half years.

Dr. Jinyu Yang’s research interests are responses and variations in marine particle dynamics and marine nitrogen cycle under the anthropogenic and climate change forcings using stable isotope tools. His research focuses specifically on elemental transfer and transformation among difference nitrogen species in the atmosphere and ocean, as well as coupling of biogenic elements in particles and its controlling mechanism.

Dr. Jinyu Yang’s work is mainly field-oriented, with ongoing project focused on influences of external nitrogen inputs on particle export and carbon sequestration in oligotrophic oceans. He has published several papers regarding the particulate nitrogen dynamics and atmospheric nitrogen deposition (AND) in the South China Sea (SCS). The findings clarify the major sources of AND in the SCS, and evidence the anthropogenic signals recorded in the nitrate pool. His works also indicate that the particulate nitrogen dynamics in the SCS is distinct from most marginal seas and other oligotrophic oceans, which have implications in reconstructing the past changes of nitrogen cycle in other marginal seas. In addition, Dr. Yang is responsible for the program of the SouthEast Asian Time-series Study (SEATS) and setting up the platform for sediment trap mooring. The SEATS program collaborated with multidisciplinary groups in the MEL aims to describe a comprehensive conceptual diagram at a subtropical site representative of the OceMar in the North Pacific Ocean. And the mooring system could provide samples for chemical and biological analyses and planform for hydrographic research.

For more information please contact Dr. Yang ( or visit his webpage: