科研动态 Research Highlight

发布日期:2010-11-26      浏览次数:2512

Meeting announcement

International workshop on endocrine disruptor and POPs


由近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室与伙伴实验室——香港海洋污染国家重点实验室共同举办的第一届国际研讨会将于20101214-16日在厦门举行。该研讨会的主要目的在于加强两个伙伴实验室的联系,交流学术前沿,讨论科研合作与共同申请项目。会议特邀了来自美国加州大学的Daniel SchlenkMichael BakerGary Hardiman教授做主题演讲,并向厦门大学、香港各高校及海内外同行开放。


会议主题:International workshop on endocrine disruptor and POPs(内分泌干扰物和持久性有机污染物研讨会)







This workshop will take place December 14-16 in the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (MEL), located in the beautiful city of Xiamen, China. The workshop will highlight recent advances in the field that might shape the next decade of research. This workshop focuses on interactions among researchers with the goal of forming an international consortium of researchers on endocrine disruptors and POPs. The anticipated outcome of this workshop is the formation of a team and the drafting of joint research proposals to be submitted in the spring and summer of 2011 to funding agencies in China.

At the workshop, the participants will present their current research with an aim to form partnership with regional and international partners. There is a need to show evidence of synergism for applications of international programme grants.  During this workshop, participants are expected to devise strategies leading to synergistic collaborations, formulate realistic plans to collect preliminary data on joint research work, and identify potential conference to submit joint research data. The proposed work by this consortium will place an emphasis on potentials for further commercialization. The workshop will bring together scientists who are at the forefront of their field. The plenary speakers of this workshop are Prof Daniel Schlenk of University of California, Riverside, Prof Michael Baker and Dr. Gary Hardiman from University of California, San Diego. They will be the international partners in the proposed international programme grant. The collegial atmosphere of this workshop, with programmed discussion sessions as well as opportunities for informal gatherings in the evenings, provides an avenue for scientists from Xiamen, Hong Kong and California to brainstorm and draft cross-disciplinary projects for grant proposal submission in the near future.

We would like to invite participation from SKLMP, MEL and sister institutions.


Programme schedule:

December 14 from 2pm to 5pm: Presentations

December 15 from 9am to noon: Presentations

December 15 from 2pm to 5 pm: consortium discussions and sub-group discussions

December 15 evening: wrap up session and dinner


URL of invited speakers:

Prof. Daniel Schlenk: http://www.envisci.ucr.edu/faculty/schlenk.html

Prof. Gary Hardiman: http://microarrays.ucsd.edu/biogem/gary.php

Prof. Michael Baker: http://nephrology.ucsd.edu/faculty/profiles/Baker.shtml



Prof. Dazhi Wang (MEL)             Prof. S Han Cheng (SKLMP)


Local information:

Meeting venue: Room B-206, Zeng Cheng Kui Building, Xiamen University

Accommodation: Yifu Building & Keli Building, campus of Xiamen University

Note: airport pickups will be arranged for non-Xiamen participants.



Overseas and Hong Kong: Miss Alice Chan, SKLMP, Tel: 852-34422032, email: bh101dal@cityu.edu.hk

Mainland Participants: Ms. Vera Shi, MEL, Tel: 86-592-2186039, email: vera_shiwei@xmu.edu.cn