科研动态 Research Highlight

高坤山教授的研究成果被Nature China选为研究亮点
发布日期:2009-12-15      浏览次数:4156

我实验室高坤山教授近日发表在《Global Change Biology》上的研究成果被自然中国选为2009年地学与环境领域的研究亮点。








Research Highlights

Published online: 25 November 2009 | doi:10.1038/nchina.2009.225

Oceanography: One trouble after another

Felix Cheung


Ocean acidification is not the only problem threatening the survival of coral reefs

Original article citation

Gao, K. & Zheng, Y. Combined effects of ocean acidification and solar UV radiation on photosynthesis, growth, pigmentation and calcification of the coralline alga Corallina sessilis (Rhodophyta). Glob. Change Biol. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.02113.x (2009).


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Rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere may have profound effects on ocean chemistry and thereby the marine ecosystem. Previous studies have shown that the ongoing increase in the acidity of Earth's ocean — as more atmospheric carbon dioxide dissolves in seawater — is threatening the survival of coral reefs by reducing the rate of calcification of coralline algae. Kunshan Gao at Xiamen University and Yangqiao Zheng at the Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences in Shanghai1 have now shown that reduced calcification may also make coralline algae more susceptible to damage by ultraviolet radiation.

The researchers housed coralline algae in temperature-controlled seawater tanks with normal (380 parts per million by volume) or enriched (1000 parts per million by