最新通知 Announcement

发布日期:2008-5-1      浏览次数:2303

Come and Join Us!

Summer Course on Ecotoxicology

Xiamen University, Xiamen, China

June 30-July 11, 2008



The summer course on toxicology will be jointly organized by the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University and the Center for Marine Environmental Research and Innovative Technology (MERIT), an Area of Excellence in Hong Kong, from June 30 to July 11, 2008.


Ecotoxicology is an interdisciplinary subject in which ecological and biological effects of chemical contamination are assessed. This course provides a broad overview of different aspects of ecotoxicology, including environmental chemistry, toxicology, ecology, and risk assessment. A number of national and international experts will deliver lectures and discuss contemporary issues and recent advancements in Ecotoxicology. 


Credit: 2 credits

Organizers: State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University;

             MERIT (Area of Excellence), Hong Kong

Organizing committee: Drs Kejian Wang, Xinhong Wang, Dazhi Wang, Ming Yang, and Ms. Wei Shi, Xiamen University;

Dr Doris Au, City University of Hong Kong

Who should join:

Undergraduate, master and doctoral students in Ecotoxicology, Chemistry, Biology and environmental sciences, if you are willing to know more about current progress of environmental science and make more friends, please don’t hesitate to join us.

Assistant opportunity:

We need a student to provide assistance for the summer course, to help with the organizing of lectures and field trips, with good opportunities to have close communication with well-known scientists and to practice your English!


Financial support:

The State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (Xiamen University) would like to support 8 students (from Hong Kong or mainland, not including students from Xiamen) at the amount of up to 3000 RMB for each to attend the summer course, which can be spent for travel and/or accommodation. If you want to apply for the fund, please indicate it in the application form. Please note that the deadline for fund application is May 31st, 2008.


How to participate:

Click HERE to download the application form and submit it to Dr. Ming Yang (mingyang@xmu.edu.cn) by May 31st, 2008.

Teaching faculty for the course includes:







John Giesy

1) Prof. and Canada Research Chair,

2) Chair Prof. At-large,

3) Distinguished Prof. Emeritus

4) Concurrent Prof.

1) University of Saskatchewan, Canada

2) City University. Hong Kong;

3) Michigan State University

4) Nanjing Univeristy

University of Saskatchewan;


Saskatoon, Canada


David Hinton

Chair Professor

and Nicholas Professor

Environmental Health and Ecotoxicology, Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences

Duke University

North Carolina, USA


Des Connell

Emeritus Professor

Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Griffith School of the Environment

Griffith University

Brisbane, Australia


Rudolf Wu

Chair Professor

Department of Biology and Chemistry

City University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong, China


Paul Lam

Chair Professor

Department of Biology and Chemistry

City University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong, China


Doris Au

Associate Professor

Department of Biology and Chemistry

City University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong, China


Michael Lam

Associate Professor

Department of Biology and Chemistry

City University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong, China


Wen-Xiong Wang


Chair Professor at Xiamen University

Department of Biology

The University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

Hong Kong, China


Huasheng Hong

Chair Professor

State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science

Xiamen University

Xiamen, China


Kejian Wang


State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science

Xiamen University

Xiamen, China


Dazhi Wang


State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science

Xiamen University

Xiamen, China


Xinhong Wang

Associate Professor

State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science

Xiamen University

Xiamen, China


 Prof. John Giesy will teach the following topics:

l        Courses on Ecotoxicology and Environmental Risk assessment (30h)

Concept and theory of Ecological Risk Assessment

Exposure Assessment

Predicting Exposure & Monitoring

Hazard Assessment

Probabilistic Risk Assessment

Sediment Toxicity Assessment

Field trips/case study


A series of special lectures will be given as follows:

l         Fish models in human health and disease (David Hinton) (2h)

l         Special topics on environmental management (David Hinton) (2h)

l         Behavior and Effects of Hazardous Chemicals in the Environment (Des Connell) (1.5 h)

l         Evaluation of Ecological and Human Health Effects of Environmental

Chemicals using Probabilistic Techniques. (Des Connell) (1.5 h)

l         Risk assessment of contaminants in marine mammals and birds (Paul Lam) (2 h)

l         Coastal Ecosystem Health (Huasheng Hong) (2h)

l         Contemporary issues in ecotoxicoology (Rudolf Wu) (2h)

l         Chemical monitoring and biomonitoring (Rudolf Wu) (2h)

l         Application of biomarkers in ecotoxicological assessments (Doris Au) (2 h)

l         Marine medaka as a model fish for marine ecotoxicology (Doris Au) (2 h)

l         Novel chemical technologies for pollution monitoring (Michael Lam) (4 h)

l         Bioavailability and Bioaccumulation of Metals in the marine environment (Wen-Xiong Wang) (4 h)

l         Immunotoxic effects on marine-cultured fish (Kejian Wang) (2 h)

l         Bioaccumulation and biotransformation of trace organic pollutants in the coastal environment (Xinhong Wang) (2 h)

l         Biotoxin and ecosafety (Da-zhi Wang) (2 h)



Lecture Schedule (30/06 – 11/07/2008)











Concept and theory of Ecological Risk Assessment (John) (3h)


Exposure Assessment -Predicting Exposure (John)  (3h)


Exposure Assessment –Monitoring (John) (3h)


Probabilistic Risk Assessment (John)  (3h)


Bioavailability and Bioaccumulation of Metals in the marine environment (WX Wang) (4 h)




Field trips/case study.




Exposure Assessment -Predicting Exposure (John)  (3h)

Exposure Assessment –Monitoring (John) (3h)

Hazard Assessment (John) (3h)

Sediment Toxicity Assessment (John) (3h)

Bioaccumulation and biotransformation of trace organic pollutants in the coastal environment (XH Wang) (2 h)











Risk assessments of environmental contaminants (Des Connell) (3 h)



Application of biomarkers in ecotoxicological assessments (Doris Au) (2 h)


Chemical monitoring and biomonitoring (Rudolf Wu) (2h)



Contemporary issues in ecotoxicology (Rudolf Wu) (2h)


Marine medaka as a model fish for marine ecotoxicology (Doris Au) (2 h)


Special topics on environmental management (David Hinton) (2h)



Novel chemical technologies for pollution monitoring (Michael Lam) (4 h)




Risk assessment of contaminants in marine mammals and birds (Paul Lam) (2 h)

Coastal Ecosystem Health (HS Hong) (2h)

Fish models in human health and disease (David Hinton)

(2 h)

Immunotoxic effects on marine-cultured fish (KJ Wang) (2 h)

Biotoxin and ecosafety (DZ Wang) (2 h)







Ms. Wei Shi, Email: vera_shiwei@xmu.edu.cn; 86-592-2186039
Dr. Ming Yang, Email: mingyang@xmu.edu.cn