科研动态 Research Highlight

Round-table Discussions with Drs. Lettinga and Harder(Oct 16,2004)
发布日期:2004-10-15      浏览次数:5371

Round-table Discussions with Drs. Lettinga and Harder 
Oct 16 2004, Saturday, 
Lingfeng 201 9:00-9:10 M

inhan Dai: Brief introduction to Environmental Science and Engineering in Xiamen University 
9:10-10:30 Discussions and Q/A 10:30-10:50 Tea/coffee break 10:50-11:30 lab tour All students and staffs are welcome Enclosure CVs of Drs. Lettinga and Harder Professor Gatze Lettinga Professor Gatze Lettinga was trained as a chemical engineer at the University of Delft in the Netherlands. He became interested in the potential of microbes for the anaerobic treatment of waste water after he moved to the University of Wageningen in 1970. While in Wageningen, he and his co-workers developed the so-called Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor (UASB), a relatively simple but innovative system that has found world wide application in the treatment of industrial waste water. More recent variants, such as the Expanded Granular Sludge Bed, are suitable for the treatment of more dilute waste waters, including domestic waste water. For his conceptual and technological contributions to sustainable development, Prof. Lettinga received the prestigious Royal Dutch Shell Award for Sustainable Development in the year 2000. Prof. Lettinga recently retired from his chair at Wageningen University, but continues to develop visionary ideas and technologies in the pursuit of ecologically sound solutions for environmental problems. Prof.dr. W.Harder Mr. Harder is emeritus professor of Microbiology at the University of Groningen and former director of the TNO Institute of Environmental Sciences. His scientific work was mainly in (applied) microbial physiology and involved the metabolism of one carbon compounds and the functioning and performance of microbes in natural and man-made (eco)systems. He has been involved in many national and international activities. To give just a few examples: he was founder and first chairman of the Working Party Microbial Physiology of the European Federation of Biotechnology, vice president of the European Environmental Research Organisation, (co)organizer of several international congresses including CONSOIL and editor of The Prokaryotes. He was chairman of the Earth and Life Sciences Research Council of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. Currently, he is Chairman of China Committee of KNAW Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science(Xiamen University),Ministry of Education. Oct 14,2004