最新通知 Announcement

发布日期:2011-12-1      浏览次数:3286









助教:刘勇 ahunanren@gmail.com,15859248395



Introduction to Ocean Modeling


A Short-Term Course at Xiamen University

December 19th to December 29th, 2011


Profs. Huijie Xue (薛惠洁) & Fei Chai (柴扉)


University of Maine


This course will introduce key concepts in ocean modeling as well as widely used ocean models from simple box models to state-of-the-art coupled physical-biogeochemical models. Each session includes a lecture and a lab except for the last one, which will be entirely lectures on forecast systems, applications, and database/visualization. The lectures begin with theory, followed by model construction and then application(s), focusing on abilities and limitations of the models. The labs use simple models in MATLAB (the FORTRAN version is also available in most cases) to illustrate the approaches discussed in the companion lecture. The focus is on the good practice of dos and don’ts in ocean modeling. The target audience of this course includes upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in Oceanography. Literacy in MATLAB or other computer languages can be helpful. More experienced students are also encouraged to bring their own modeling problems and questions to the labs.


1.      (Dec. 19) Introduction

a.       Philosophy of ocean modeling

b.      Goals of this course

c.       Ocean models by discipline/process, region, discretization

d.      General terminology

e.       Lab: Seawater - GSW toolbox.

2.      (Dec. 20) Box Models

a.       Initial value problem

b.      Numerical integration

c.       Thermohaline circulation

d.      Lab: ODE solver; Stommel’s box models

3.      (Dec. 21) Box Models

a.       NPZD model

b.      Phytoplankton spring bloom

c.       Lab: A food chain box model

4.      (Dec. 22) Box Models

a.       Multiple nutrients and plankton model

b.      Carbon cycle model

c.       Lab: Air-sea CO2 flux and anthropogenic carbon

5.      (Dec. 26) Spatially Explicit Ocean Models

a.       Domains and meshes

b.      Boundary conditions

                                                                                       i.      Surface, sea bed, coast

                                                                                     ii.      Open boundaries

c.       Lab: Seagrid; Air-sea fluxes

6.      (Dec. 27) Barotropic Models

a.       Geostrophic adjustment

b.      Storm surge

c.       Tides in the open ocean & coastal seas

d.      Wetting-and-Drying

e.       Lab: geoadjPE; 2D POM

7.      (Dec. 28) Mixed Layer models

a.       Ekman theory

b.      Wind-driven and convective mixing

c.       Turbulence closure

                                                                                       i.      Ri dependent, KPP, Mellor-Yamada

                                                                                       ii.    GOTM (http://www.gotm.net/index.php)

d.      Lab: Ekman layer; 1D mixed layer model using MY

8.      (Dec. 29) Ocean modeling and forecast

a.       Comprehensive ocean circulation models

b.      Examples of forecast systems: RTOFS, GoMFS

c.       Data assimilation and skill assessment

d.      Applications (oil spill model, Individual Based Models)

e.       Database and visualization