专利与获奖 Patent and Award

l  焦念志、张瑶、骆庭伟、张锐、郑强等人的研究成果微型生物在海洋碳储库及气候变化中的作用2015年度国家自然科学二等奖(第一单位)。

Research on “The role of microbes in the ocean carbon sequestration and climate change” won the 2nd prize in the National Natural Science Awards.

l  戴民汉等参与的研究成果中国近海二氧化碳遥感监测与示范系统获国家海洋局海洋科学技术奖特等奖(厦门大学为第二单位)。

The project “A demonstrating system of CO2 remote monitoring in China coast” won the Special Prize in the State Oceanic Administration (SOA) Science and Technology Award.

l  王新红等参与的研究成果近海海水水质基准的研究与制定获国家海洋局海洋科学技术奖二等奖(厦门大学为第二单位)。

The study on “Research and development of coastal water quality and benchmarks” won the 2nd prize in the SOA Science and Technology Award.

l  焦念志讲授的课程《海洋微型生物碳泵的基本内涵》获教育部组织的第二届全国高校微课教学比赛特别奖。

Nianzhi Jiao’s course, Basic Content of Ocean Microbial Carbon Pump, was awarded the Special Prize in the 2nd National Universities Micro-Teaching Competition. 

l  海洋监测仪器研发团队获得厦门大学2015田绍武交叉学科一等奖。

The instrumentation invention team won the “Tian Shao Wu Interdisciplinary Research Award” in Xiamen University.

l  张锐获批国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目

Rui Zhang was awarded the NSFC Excellent Young Scientists Fund.

l  史大林入选科技部中青年科技创新领军人才

Dalin Shi was awarded the Ministry of Science and Technology Program for Young Leading Scientist.

l  刘志宇获评国家海洋局海洋领域优秀科技青年

Zhiyu Liu was awarded the Outstanding Young Scientist in Ocean Science by SOA.

l  张瑶获福建运盛青年科技奖

Yao Zhang was granted the Fujian Yunsheng Youth Foundation Award.

l  王大志被高聘为厦门大学特聘教授,陈炳章、刘志宇被高聘为厦门大学教授

Dazhi Wang was promoted to XMU Chair Professor; Bingzhang Chen and Zhiyu Liu were promoted to XMU full Professors.