论文论著 Publications


Peer Reviewed Publications


1.       Buesseler, K.O., C. Lamborg, P.H. Cai, R. Escoube, R. Johnson, S. Pike, P. Masque, D. McGillicuddy, and E. Verdeny, Particle fluxes associated with mesoscale eddies in the Sargasso Sea. Deep-Sea Research II, 2008. 55: 1426-1444. (IF=1.172)

2.       Cai, P.H., W.F. Chen, M.H. Dai, Z.W. Wan, D.X. Wang, Q. Li, T.T. Tang, and D.W. Lv, A high-resolution study of particle export in the southern South China Sea based on Th-234: U-238 disequilibrium. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2008. 113: doi:10.1029/2007jc004268. (IF=2.953)

3.       Cai, P.H., M.H. Dai, D.W. Lv, and W.F. Chen, Reply to comment by Chin-Chang Hung et al. on "How accurate are Th-234 measurements in seawater based on the MnO2-impregnated cartridge technique?''. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 2008. 9: doi:10.1029/2007gc001837. (IF=2.354)

4.       Cai, W.J., X.H. Guo, C.T.A. Chen, M.H. Dai, L.J. Zhang, W.D. Zhai, S.E. Lohrenz, K.D. Yin, P.J. Harrison, and Y.C. Wang, A comparative overview of weathering intensity and HCO3-  flux in the world's major rivers with emphasis on the Changjiang, Huanghe, Zhujiang (Pearl) and Mississippi Rivers. Continental Shelf Research, 2008. 28: 1538-1549. (IF=1.684)

5.       Chen, C.T.A., W.D. Zhai, and M.H. Dai, Riverine input and air-sea CO2 exchanges near the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary: Status quo and implication on possible future changes in metabolic status. Continental Shelf Research, 2008. 28: 1476-1482. (IF=1.684)

6.       Chen, M., N. Xing, Y.P. Huang, and Y.S. Qiu, The mean residence time of river water in the Canada Basin. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008. 53: 777-783. (IF=0.77)

7.       Chen, W.F., P.H. Cai, M.H. Dai, and J.F. Wei, 234Th/238U disequilibrium and particulate organic carbon export in the northern South China Sea. Journal of Oceanography, 2008. 64: 417-428. (IF=0.731)

8.       Dai, M.H., L. Wang, X.H. Guo, W.D. Zhai, Q. Li, B.Y. He, and S.J. Kao, Nitrification and inorganic nitrogen distribution in a large perturbed river/estuarine system: the Pearl River Estuary, China. Biogeosciences, 2008. 5: 1227-1244. (IF=2.813)

9.       Dai, M.H., W.D. Zhai, W.J. Cai, J. Callahan, B.Q. Huang, S.L. Shang, T. Huang, X.L. Li, Z.M. Lu, W.F. Chen, and Z.Z. Chen, Effects of an estuarine plume-associated bloom on the carbonate system in the lower reaches of the Pearl River estuary and the coastal zone of the northern South China Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 2008. 28: 1416-1423. (IF=1.684)

10.   Guo, X.H., W.J. Cai, W.D. Zhai, M.H. Dai, Y.C. Wang, and B.S. Chen, Seasonal variations in the inorganic carbon system in the Pearl River (Zhujiang) estuary. Continental Shelf Research, 2008. 28: 1424-1434. (IF=1.684)

11.   Kao, S.J., M.H. Dai, K.Y. Wei, N.E. Blair, and W.B. Lyons, Enhanced supply of fossil organic carbon to the Okinawa Trough since the last deglaciation. Paleoceanography, 2008. 23: doi:10.1029/2007pa001440. (IF=3.391)

12.   Kao, S.J., K.K. Liu, S.C. Hsu, and M.H. Dai, North Pacific-wide spreading of isotopically heavy nitrogen during the last deglaciation: Evidence from the western Pacific. Biogeosciences, 2008. 5: 1641-1650. (IF=2.813)

13.   Kao, S.J. and J.D. Milliman, Water and sediment discharge from small mountainous rivers, Taiwan: The roles of lithology, episodic events, and human activities. Journal of Geology, 2008. 116: 431-448. (IF=2.607)

14.   Lu, Z.M., M.H. Dai, K.M. Xu, J.S. Chen, and Y.H. Liao, A high precision, fast response, and low power consumption in situ optical fiber chemical pCO2 sensor. Talanta, 2008. 76: 353-359. (IF=3.374)

15.   Lue, E., L. Zhang, M. Chen, Y.S. Qiu, N. Xing, W.F. Yang, Y.P. Li, and Y.P. Huang, Size-fractionated uranium isotopes in surface waters in the Jiulong Estuary in China. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2008. 27: 29-41. (IF=0.716)

16.   Rabouille, C., D.J. Conley, M.H. Dai, W.J. Cai, C.T.A. Chen, B. Lansard, R. Green, K. Yin, P.J. Harrison, M. Dagg, and B. McKee, Comparison of hypoxia among four river-dominated ocean margins: The Changjiang (Yangtze), Mississippi, Pearl, and Rhone rivers. Continental Shelf Research, 2008. 28: 1527-1537. (IF=1.684)

17.   Wan, Z.W., J.J. Vallino, and B.J. Peterson, Study of the inter-annual food web dynamics in the Kuparuk River with a first-order approximation inverse model. Ecological Modelling, 2008. 211: 97-112. (IF=2.077)

18.   Wang, D.L. and S.-W.A. Sergio, Development of an analytical protocol for the determination of V (IV) and V (V) in seawater: Application to coastal environments. Marine Chemistry, 2008. 112: 72-80. (IF=3.085)

19.   Buesseler, K.O., T.W. Trull, D.K. Steinber, M.W. Silver, D.A. Siegel, S.I. Saitoh, C.H. Lamborg, P.J. Lam, D.M. Karl, N.Z. Jiao, M.C. Honda, M. Elskens, F. Dehairs, S.L. Brown, P.W. Boyd, J.K.B. Bishop, and R.R. Bidigare, VERTIGO (VERtical Transport in the Global Ocean): A study of particle sources and flux attenuation in the North Pacific. Deep-Sea Research II, 2008. 55: 1522-1539. (IF=1.172)

20.   Cai, H.Y. and N.Z. Jiao, Diversity and abundance of nitrate assimilation genes in the northern South China Sea. Microbial Ecology, 2008. 56: 751-764. (IF=2.558)

21.   Chen, X.H., Y.H. Zeng, and N.Z. Jiao, Characterization of cytophaga-flavobacteria community structure in the Bering Sea by cluster-specific 16S rRNA gene amplification analysis. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2008. 18: 194-198. (IF=2.062)

22.   Guo, D.H., Z.Z. Xu, and J.Q. Huang, Two new species of Eirenidae from the coast of southeast China. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2008. 27: 61-66. (IF=0.716)

23.   Hou, J.J., B.Q. Huang, J. Hu, L.Z. Lin, and H.S. Hong, Fourteen FITC-conjugated lectins as a tool for the recognition and differentiation of some harmful algae in Chinese coastal waters. Journal of Applied Phycology, 2008. 20: 35-46. (IF=0.788)

24.   Huang, B.Q., J.J. Hou, S.J. Lin, J.X. Chen, and H.S. Hong, Development of a PNA probe for the detection of the toxic dinoflagellate Takayama pulchella. Harmful Algae, 2008. 7: 495-503. (IF=2.397)

25.   Huang, B.Q., W.L. Lan, Z.R. Cao, M.H. Dai, L.F. Huang, N.Z. Jiao, and H.S. Hong, Spatial and temporal distribution of nanoflagellates in the northern South China Sea. Hydrobiologia, 2008. 605: 143-157. (IF=1.201)

26.   Huang, X., Y. Tian, Y.R. Luo, H.J. Liu, W. Zheng, and T.L. Zheng, Modified sublimation to isolate phenanthrene-degrading bacteria of the genera Sphingomonas and Burkholderia from Xiamen oil port. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2008. 57: 538-543. (IF=2.334)

27.   Liu, H.J., Y. Tian, T.L. Zheng, C.L. Yan, and H.S. Hong, Studies of glucosidase activities from surface sediments in mangrove swamp. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecolygy, 2008. 367: 111-117. (IF=1.75)

28.   Liu, Y.Q., T.D. Yao, N.Z. Jiao, S.C. Kang, S.J. Huang, Q. Li, K.J. Wang, and X.B. Liu, Culturable bacteria in glacial meltwater at 6350 m on the East Rongbuk glacier Mount Everest. Extremophiles, 2008: doi: 10.1007/s00792-008-0200-8. (IF=2.317)

29.   Ma, Y., Y.H. Zeng, N.Z. Jiao, Y. Shi, and N. Hong, Vertical Distribution and Phylogenetic Composition of Bacteria in the eastern Tropical North Pacific Ocean. Microbiological Research, 2008: Doi:10.1016/j.micres.2008.01.001. (IF=1.535)

30.   Ou, L.J., D. Wang, B.Q. Huang, H.S. Hong, Y.Z. Qi, and S.H. Lu, Comparative study of phosphorus strategies of three typical harmful algae in Chinese coastal waters. Journal of Plankton Research, 2008. 30: 1007-1017. (IF=1.897)

31.   Shu, Q.L. and N.Z. Jiao, Different Planctomycetes diversity patterns in latitudinal surface seawater of the open sea and in sediment. Journal of Microbiology, 2008. 46: 154-159. (IF=2.05)

32.   Shu, Q.L. and N.Z. Jiao, New primers for amplification of the planctomycetes 16S rRNA gene from environmental samples. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology, 2008. 16: 330-336. (IF=0.569)

33.   Shu, Q.L. and N.Z. Jiao, Profiling Planctomycetales diversity with reference to anammox-related bacteria in a South China Sea, deep-sea sediment. Marine Ecology-An evolutionary perspective, 2008. 29: 413-420. (IF=0.97 )

34.   Tian, Y., H.J. Liu, T.L. Zheng, K.K. Kwon, S.J. Kim, and C.L. Yan, PAHs contamination and bacterial communities in mangrove surface sediments of the Jiulong River Estuary, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2008. 57: 707-715. (IF=2.334)

35.   Tian, Y., Y.R. Luo, T.L. Zheng, L.Z. Cai, X.X. Cao, and C.L. Yan, Contamination and potential biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mangrove sediments of Xiamen, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2008. 56: 1184-1191. (IF=2.334)

36.   Yao, T.D., Y.Q. Liu, S.C. Kang, N.Z. Jiao, Y.H. Zeng, X.B. Liu, and Y. Zhang, Bacteria variabilities in a Tibetan ice core and their relations with climate change. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2008: doi: 10.1029/2007GB003140. (IF=4.335)

37.   Zhang, Y., N.Z. Jiao, and N. Hong, Comparative study of picoplankton biomass and community structure in different provinces from subarctic to subtropical oceans. Deep-Sea Research II, 2008. 55: 1605-1614. (IF=1.172)

38.   Zhao, M.R., F. Chen, and N.Z. Jiao, Genetic diversity and abundance of flavobacterial proteorhodopsin in the China seas. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2008: Doi: 10.1128/AEM.01114-08. (IF=4.004)

39.   Zhou, L.H., T.L. Zheng, X.H. Chen, X. Wang, S.B. Chen, Y. Tian, and H.S. Hong, The inhibitory effects of garlic (Allium sativum) and diallyl trisulfide on Alexandrium tamarense and other harmful algal species. Journal of Applied Phycology, 2008. 20: 349-358. (IF=0.788)

40.   Gao, K.S., P. Li, T.R. Watanabe, and E.W. Helbling, Combined effects of ultraviolet radiation and temperature on morphology, photosynthesis, and DNA of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis (Cyanophyta). Journal of Phycology, 2008. 44: 777-786. (IF=2.82)

41.   Gao, K.S. and Z.L. Ma, Photosynthesis and growth of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis (Cyanophyta) in response to solar UV radiation, with special reference to its minor variant. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2008. 63: 123-129. (IF=1.81)

42.   Gao, K.S. and J. Xu, Effects of solar UV radiation on diurnal photosynthetic performance and growth of Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Rhodophyta). European Journal of Phycology, 2008. 43: 297-307. (IF=1.507)

43.   Guan, W.C. and K.S. Gao, Light histories influence the impacts of solar ultraviolet radiation on photosynthesis and growth in a marine diatom, Skeletonema costatum. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B, 2008. 91: 151-156. (IF=1.919)

44.   Jiang, H.X. and K.S. Gao, Effects of UV radiation on the photosynthesis of conchocelis of Porphyra haitanensis (Bangiales, Rhodophyta). Phycologia, 2008. 47: 241-248. (IF=1.358)

45.   Jiang, H.X., K.S. Gao, and E.W. Helbling, UV-absorbing compounds in Porphyra haitanensis (Rhodophyta) with special reference to effects of desiccation. Journal of Applied Phycology, 2008. 20: 387-395. (IF=0.788)

46.   Li, P. and K.S. Gao, Effects of solar UV and visible radiations on the spiral structure and orientation of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis (Cyanophyta). Phycologia, 2008. 47: 573-579. (IF=1.358)

47.   Xu, J. and K.S. Gao, Growth, pigments, UV-absorbing compounds and agar yield of the economic red seaweed Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Rhodophyta) grown at different depths in the coastal water of the South China Sea. Journal of Applied Phycology, 2008. 20: 681-686. (IF=0.992)

48.   Ye, C., K.S. Gao, and M. Giordano, The odd behaviour of carbonic anhydrase in the terrestrial cyanobacterium Nostoc flagelliforme during hydration-dehydration cycles. Environmental Microbiology, 2008. 10: 1018-1023. (IF=4.929)

49.   Wu, H., D. Zou, and K.S. Gao, Impacts of increased atmospheric CO2 concentration on photosynthesis and growth of micro- and macro-algae. Science in China Series C, 2008. 51: 1144-1150. (IF=0.635)

50.   Cai, Z.Q., Y.X. Zhu, and Y. Zhang, Simultaneous determination of dissolved anthracene and pyrene in aqueous solution by synchronous fluorimetry. Spectrochimica Acta A, 2008. 69: 130-133. (IF=2.957)

51.   Chen, G.H., D.X. Yuan, Y.M. Huang, M. Zhang, and M. Bergman, In-field determination of nanomolar nitrite in seawater using a sequential injection technique combined with solid phase enrichment and colorimetric detection. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2008. 620: 82-88. (IF=3.186)

52.   Chen, H.L., T.X. Ye, B. Qiu, G.N. Chen, and X. Chen, A novel approach based on ferricyanide-mediator immobilized in an ion-exchangeable biosensing film for the determination of biochemical oxygen demand. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2008. 612: 75-82. (IF=3.186)

53.   Chen, J.N., Z.Q. Cai, Y.X. Zhu, and Y. Zhang, Simultaneous determination of dissolved indene, naphthalene and phenanthrene in aqueous solution by dual-wavelength fluorescent technique. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2008. 36: 301-305. (IF=0.513)

54.   Chen, J.N. and Y. Zhang, Distribution of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the South China Sea. Luminescence, 2008. 23: 64-64. (IF=1.317)

55.   Chen, J.S., D.X. Yuan, Q.L. Li, J.M. Zheng, Y.Q. Zhu, X.Y. Hua, S. He, and J.S. Zhou, Effect of flue-gas cleaning devices on mercury emission from coal-fired boiler. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2008: 72-6. (EI)

56.   Chen, L.Q., Y.F. Guo, L.M. Yang, and Q.Q. Wang, Synergistic defensive mechanism of phytochelatins and antioxidative enzymes in Brassica chinensis L. against Cd stress. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008. 53: 1503-1511. (IF=0.77)

57.   Chen, X.M., Z.J. Lin, Z.M. Cai, X. Chen, and X.R. Wang, Electrochemiluminescence detection of dichlorvos pesticide in luminol-CTAB medium. Talanta, 2008. 76: 1083-1087. (IF=3.374)

58.   Du, D., S.Z. Chen, D.D. Song, H.B. Li, and X. Chen, Development of acetylcholinesterase biosensor based on CdTe quantum dots/gold nanoparticles modified chitosan microspheres interface. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2008. 24: 475-479. (IF=5.061)

59.   Du, D., J.W. Ding, Y. Tao, and X. Chen, Application of chemisorption/desorption process of thiocholine for pesticide detection based on acetylcholinesterase biosensor. Sensors and Actuators B, 2008. 134: 908-912. (IF=2.934)

60.   Du, D., J.W. Ding, Y. Tao, H.B. Li, and X. Chen, CdTe nanocrystal-based electrochemical biosensor for the recognition of neutravidin by anodic stripping voltammetry at electrodeposited bismuth film. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2008. 24: 869–874. (IF=5.061)

61.   Guo, G.M., L.L. Xin, X.D. Wang, Y. Zhao, and X. Chen, Study on the fluorescence characteristics of BOD sensing films immobilizing different limnetic microorganism. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2008. 28: 2134-2138. (IF=0.843)

62.   Guo, G.M., Y. Zhao, Y.H. Weng, X.D. Wang, X. Chen, and X.R. Wang, Development of portable sensing apparatus for biochemical oxygen demand determination based on fluorescent response. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2008. 36: 563-566. (IF=0.513)

63.   Guo, Y.F., L.Q. Chen, L.M. Yang, and Q.Q. Wang, Counting sulfhydryls and disulfide bonds in peptides and proteins using mercurial ions as an MS-tag. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2008. 19: 1108-1113. (IF=3.664)

64.   Hong, Y.W., D.X. Yuan, Q.M. Lin, and T.L. Yang, Accumulation and biodegradation of phenanthrene and fluoranthene by the algae enriched from a mangrove aquatic ecosystem. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2008. 56: 1400-1405. (IF=2.334)

65.   Huang, X.J., J.B. Lin, and D.X. Yuan, Determination of steroid sex hormones in wastewater by stir bar sorptive extraction based on poly (vinylpyridine-ethylene dimethacrylate) monolithic material and liquid chromatographic analysis. Journal of Chromatography A, 2008: doi:10.1016/ j.chroma. 2008. 10.083. (IF=3.641)

66.   Huang, X.J., N.N. Qiu, and D.X. Yuan, Direct enrichment of phenols in lake and sea water by stir bar sorptive extraction based on poly (vinylpyridine-ethylene dimethacrylate) monolithic material and liquid chromatographic analysis. Journal of Chromatography A, 2008. 1194: 134-138. (IF=3.641)

67.   Huang, X.J., D.X. Yuan, and B.L. Huang, Determination of steroid sex hormones in urine matrix by stir bar sorptive extraction based on monolithic material and liquid chromatography with diode array detection. Talanta, 2008. 75: 172-177. (IF=3.374)

68.   Li, M.J., B. Qiu, G.M. Guo, M.H. Liu, and X. Chen, Spectrum study of organochlorine pesticides after nano TiO2 photocatalytic degradation in AgNO3 medium. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2008. 28: 1364-1367. (IF=0.843)

69.   Li, Q.L., D.X. Yuan, B. Guan, Q.M. Lin, and X.F. Wang, Removal of metal catalyst in multi-walled carbon nanotubes with combination of air and hydrogen annealing followed by acid treatment Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2008. 8: 5807-5812(6). (IF=1.987)

70.   Li, Y.Q., Y.X. Zhu, and Y. Zhang, Synthesis of Ag nanoparticles via green chemistry method and their enhancing effects on room temperature phosphorescence of fluorescein. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 2008. 29: 669-672. (IF=0.695)

71.   Lin, Z.J., X.M. Chen, Z.M. Cai, P.W. Li, X. Chen, and X.R. Wang, Chemiluminescence of tryptophan and histidine in Ru(bpy)32+-KMnO4 aqueous solution. Talanta, 2008. 75: 544-550. (IF=3.374)

72.   Lin, Z.J., X.M. Chen, Z.M. Cai, M. Oyama, X. Chen, and X.R. Wang, The initial transformation mechanism of gold seeds on indium tin oxide surfaces. Crystal Growth & Design, 2008. 8: 863-868. (IF=4.046)

73.   Liu, M.H., B. Qiu, X. Jin, L. Zhang, X. Chen, and G.N. Chen, Determination of estrogens in wastewater using three-phase hollow fiber-mediated liquid-phase microextraction followed by HPLC. Journal of Separation Science, 2008. 31: 622-628. (IF=2.632)

74.   Ma, J., D.X. Yuan, and Y. Liang, Sequential injection analysis of nanomolar soluble reactive phosphorus in seawater with HLB solid phase extraction Marine Chemistry, 2008. 111: 151-159. (IF=3.085)

75.   Ma, J., D.X. Yuan, Y. Liang, and M.H. Dai, A modified analytical method for the shipboard determination of nanomolar concentrations of orthophosphate in seawater. Journal of Oceanography, 2008. 64: 443-449. (IF=0.731)

76.   Tao, Y., Z.J. Lin, X.M. Chen, X.L. Huang, M. Oyama, X. Chen, and X.R. Wang, Functionalized multiwall carbon nanotubes combined with bis(2,2'-bipyridine)-5-amino-1,10-phenanthroline ruthenium(II) as an electrochemiluminescence sensor. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2008. 129: 758-763. (IF=2.934)

77.   Wang, P., K.Z. Du, Y.X. Zhu, and Y. Zhang, In situ primary study on typical PAHs on mangrove leaves. Luminescence, 2008. 23: 99-99. (IF=1.317)

78.   Wang, P., K.Z. Du, Y.X. Zhu, and Y. Zhang, A novel analytical approach for investigation of anthracene adsorption onto mangrove leaves. Talanta, 2008. 76: 1177-1182. (IF=3.374)

79.   Wang, X.D., X. Chen, Z.X. Xie, and X.R. Wang, Reversible optical sensor strip for oxygen. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2008. 47: 7450-7453. (IF=10.031)

80.   Wang, X.D., T.Y. Zhou, X. Chen, K.Y. Wong, and X.R. Wang, An optical biosensor for the rapid determination of glucose in human serum. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2008. 129: 866-873. (IF=2.934)

81.   Wei, X.Y., L.Z. Sang, Y.X. Zhu, and Y. Zhang, Effect of LMWOA on the biodegradation of phenanthrene by fluorimetry. Luminescence, 2008. 23: 101-101. (IF=1.317)

82.   Xu, M., L.M. Yang, and Q.Q. Wang, Quantification of selenium-tagged proteins in human plasma using species-unspecific isotope dilution ICP-DRC-qMS coupled on-line with anion exchange chromatography. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2008. 23: 1545-1549. (IF=3.269)

83.   Yan, D., L.M. Yang, and Q.Q. Wang, Alternative thermodiffusion interface for simultaneous speciation of m organic and inorganic lead and mercury species by capillary GC-ICPMS using tri-n-propyl-lead chloride as an internal standard. Analytical Chemistry, 2008. 80: 6104-6109. (IF=5.287)

84.   Yu, B.B., J.B. Zeng, L.F. Gong, X.Q. Yang, L.M. Zhang, and X. Chen, Photocatalytic degradation investigation of dicofol. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008. 53: 27-32. (IF=0.77)

85.   Zeng, J.B., J.M. Chen, Z.Q. Lin, W.F. Chen, X. Chen, and X.A. Wang, Development of polymethylphenylsiloxane-coated fiber for solid-phase microextraction and its analytical application of qualitative and semi-quantitative of organochlorine and pyrethroid pesticides in vegetables. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2008. 619: 59-66. (IF=3.186)

86.   Zeng, J.B., J.M. Chen, Y.R. Wang, W.F. Chen, X. Chen, and X.R. Wang, Development of relatively selective, chemically and mechanically robust solid-phase microextraction fibers based on methacrylic acid trimethylolpropanetrimethacrylate co-polymers. Journal of Chromatography A, 2008. 1208: 34-41. (IF=3.641)

87.   Zeng, J.B., B.B. Yu, W.F. Chen, Z.J. Lin, L.M. Zhang, Z.Q. Lin, X. Chen, and X.R. Wang, Application of ceramic/carbon composite as a novel coating for solid-phase microextraction. Journal of Chromatography A, 2008. 1188: 26-33. (IF=3.641)

88.   Zhang, M.S., J.R. Huang, C.L. Wei, B.B. Yu, X.Q. Yang, and X. Chen, Mixed liquids for single-drop microextraction of organochlorine pesticides in vegetables. Talanta, 2008. 74: 599-604. (IF=3.374)

89.   Zhao, Y.L., L.M. Yang, and Q.Q. Wang, Modeling persistent organic pollutant (POP) partitioning between tree bark and air and its application to spatial monitoring of atmospheric POPs in mainland China. Environmental Science & Technology, 2008. 42: 6046-6051. (IF=4.363)

90.   Zhu, Y.X., Y.Q. Li, and Y. Zhang, Metal-enhanced room temperature phosphorescence on solid surface. Luminescence, 2008. 23: 112-112. (IF=1.317)

91.   陶颖, 林志杰, 陈晓梅, and 陈曦, 联吡啶钌修饰电极固相电致化学发光的研究进展. 化学进展, 2008. 20: 362-367. (IF=0.528)

92.   Chen, M. and W.X. Wang, Accelerated uptake by phytoplankton of iron bound to humic acids. Aquatic Biology, 2008. 3: 155-166.

93.   Chen, S.X., W.S. Hong, Y.Q. Su, and Q.Y. Zhang, Microhabitat selection in the early juvenile mudskipper Boleophthalmus pectinirostris (L.). Journal of Fish Biology, 2008. 72: 585-593. (IF=1.404)

94.   Feng, D.Q., C.H. Ke, S.J. LI, C.Y. Lu, and F. Guo, Pyrethroids as Promising Marine Antifoulants: Laboratory and Field Studies. Marine Biotechnology, 2008: doi: 10.1007/s10126-008-9130-9. (IF=2.503)

95.   Gopalakrishnan, S., H. Thilagam, W.B. Huang, and K.J. Wang, Immunomodulation in the marine gastropod Haliotis diversicolor exposed to Benzo(a)pyrene. Chemosphere, 2008: doi:10.1016/j.peptides.2008.12.014. (IF=2.739)

96.   Huang, X., C.H. Ke, and W.X. Wang, Bioaccumulation of silver, cadmium and mercury in the abalone Haliotis diversicolor from water and food sources Aquaculture, 2008. 283: 194-202. (IF=1.735)

97.   Jiang, X.D., G.Z. Wang, and Q.W. Lin, Reduction of hydrocarbon contamination on viability of Acartia pacifica benthic resting eggs. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2008. 26: 91-96.

98.   Kong, X.H., G.Z. Wang, and S.J. Li, Seasonal variations of ATPase activity and antioxidant defenses in gills of the mud crab Scylla serrata (Crustacea, Decapoda). Marine Biology, 2008. 154: 269-276. (IF=2.215)

99.   Li, B.W., C.G. Wang, K. Ye, A. Yu, Y.X. Chen, and Z.H. Zuo, Differential gene expression in the brain of Sebastiscus marmoratus in response to exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) Marine Environmental Research, 2008. 66: 548-552. (IF=1.93)

100.  Shang, X., G.Z. Wang, and S.J. Li, Resisting flow - laboratory study of rheotaxis of the estuarine copepod Pseudodiaptomus annandalei. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 2008. 41: 109-124. (IF=1.163)

101.  Thilagam, H., S. Gopalakrishnan, K. Vijayavel, and P.V. Raja, Effluent toxicity test using developmental stages of the marine polychaete Hydroides elegans. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2008. 54: 674-683. (IF=1.62)

102.  Wang, D.Z., Neurotoxins from marine dinoflagellates: A brief review. Marine Drugs, 2008. 6: 349-371. (IF=1.103)

103.  Wang, D.Z., L. Lin, H.F. Gu, L.L. Chan, and H.S. Hong, Comparative studies on morphology, ITS sequence and protein profile of Alexandrium tamarense and A. catenella isolated from the China Sea. Harmful Algae, 2008. 7: 106-113. (IF=2.397)

104.  Wang, G.Z., S.H. Tan, S.J. Li, and H.H. Ye, Genetic diversity and differentiation of three populations of Penaeus monodon Fabricus. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2008. 27: 113-121. (IF=0.716)

105.  Wang, J.S., Y.H. Wei, D.Z. Wang, L.L. Chan, and J.Y. Dai, Proteomic study of the effects of complex environmental stresses in the livers of goldfish (Carassius auratus) that inhabit Gaobeidian Lake in Beijing, China. Ecotoxicology, 2008. 17: 213-220. (IF=2.405)

106.  Wang, K.J., H.L. Ren, D.D. Xu, L. Cai, and M. Yang, Identification of the up-regulated expression genes in hemocytes of variously colored abalone (Haliotis diversicolor Reeve, 1846) challenged with bacteria. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 2008. 32: 1326-1347. (IF=3.155)

107.  Wang, Q., W.S. Hong, S. Chen, and Q.Y. Zhang, Variation with semilunar periodicity of plasma steroid hormone production in the mudskipper Boleophthalmus pectinirostris. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2008. 155: 821-826. (IF=2.562)

108.  Wang, X.H., H.S. Hong, J.L. Mu, J.Q. Lin, and S.H. Wang, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) metabolites in marine fishes as a specific biomarker to indicate PAH pollution in the marine coastal environment. Journal of Environmental Science and Health A, 2008. 43: 219-226. (IF=0.967)

109.  Wang, X.H., H.S. Hong, D.M. Zhao, and L.Y. Hong, Environmental behavior of organotin compounds in the coastal environment of Xiamen, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2008. 57: 419-424. (IF=2.334)

110.  Wang, X.L., J.L. Cai, J.L. Zhang, C.G. Wang, A. Wu, Y.X. Chen, and Z.H. Zuo, Acute trimethyltin exposure induces oxidative stress response and neuronal apoptosis in Sebastiscus marmoratus. Aquatic Toxicology, 2008. 90: 58-64. (IF=2.975)

111.  Wei, Y.H., L.L. Chan, D.Z. Wang, H.X. Zhang, J.S. Wang, and J.Y. Dai, Proteomic analysis of hepatic protein profiles in rare minnow (Gobiocypris rarus) exposed to perfluorooctanoic acid. Journal of Proteome Research, 2008. 7: 1729-1739. (IF=5.675)

112.  Wu, L.S., G.Z. Wang, and S.J. LI, The differences in metabolic activity of subitaneous and diapause eggs in Centropages tenuiremis. Journal of Plankton Research, 2008: doi:10.1093/plankt/fbn113. (IF=1.897)

113.  Zhang, J.L., Z.H. Zuo, R. Chen, Y.X. Chen, and C.G. Wang, Tributyltin exposure causes brain damage in Sebastiscus marmoratus. Chemosphere, 2008. 73: 337-343. (IF=2.739)

114.  Zhuo, H.Q., L. Huang, L.J. Feng, and H.Q. Huang, Mineral oil-, glycerol-, and Vaseline-coated plates as matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization sample supports for high-throughput peptide analysis. Analytical Biochemistry, 2008. 378: 151-157. (IF=3.002)

115.  Chen, N.W., H.S. Hong, L.P. Zhang, and W.Z. Cao, Nitrogen sources and exports in an agricultural watershed in Southeast China. Biogeochemistry, 2008. 87: 169-179. (IF=2.534)

116.  Du, T., Y.H. Tseng, and X.H. Yan, Impacts of tidal currents and Kuroshio intrusion on the generation of nonlinear internal waves in Luzon Strait. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 2008. 113: 10.1029/2007jc004294. (IF=2.953)

117.  Hong, H.S., C.Y. Zhang, S.L. Shang, B.Q. Huang, Y.H. Li, X.D. Li, and J.Y. Hu, Interannual variability of summer coastal upwelling in the Taiwan strait. Continental Shelf Research, 2008: doi:10.1016/j.csr.2008.11.007. (IF=1.684)

118.  Li, S.X., H.S. Hong, F.Y. Zheng, and N.S. Deng, Effects of metal pollution and macronutrient enrichment on the photoproduction of hydroxyl radicals in seawater by the alga Dunaliella salina. Marine Chemistry, 2008. 108: 207-214. (IF=3.085)

119.  Liu, H.C., L.P. Zhang, Y.Z. Zhang, H.S. Hong, and H.B. Deng, Validation of an agricultural non-point source (AGNPS) pollution model for a catchment in the Jiulong River watershed, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 2008. 20: 599-606. (IF=0.48)

120.  Shang, S.L., L. Li, F.Q. Sun, J.Y. Wu, C.M. Hu, D.W. Chen, X.R. Ning, Y. Qiu, C.Y. Zhang, and S.P. Shang, Changes of temperature and bio-optical properties in the South China Sea in response to Typhoon Lingling, 2001. Geophysical Research Letters, 2008. 35: doi:10.1029/2008gl033502. (IF=2.744)

121.  Yan, X.H., Y.H. Jo, L. Jiang, Z.W. Wan, W.T. Liu, Y. Li, J.M. Zhan, and T. Du, Impact of the Three Gorges Dam water storage on the Yangtze River outflow into the East China Sea. Geophysical Research Letters, 2008. 35: doi:10.1029/2007gl032908. (IF=2.744)

122.  Zhang, C.Y., Y.H. LI, H.S. Hong, and S.L. Shang, Interannual variation in upwelling during summer in the Taiwan Strait. Proceedings of SPIE, 2008. Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7150, 715018 (2008); DOI:10.1117/12.804851 7150-47. (EI)

123.  Zhao, C., H.S. Hong, W.-M. Bao, and L.P. Zhang, Robust recursive estimation of auto-regressive updating model parameters for real-time flood forecasting. Journal of Hydrology, 2008. 349: 376-382. (IF=2.161)

124.  Zhu, D.Y., L. Li, Y. Li, and X.G. Guo, Seasonal variation of surface currents in the southwestern Taiwan Strait observed with HF radar. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008. 53: 2385-2391. (IF=0.77)

125.  Chen, G.C. and Y. Ye, Leaf consumption by Sesarma plicata in a mangrove forest at Jiulongjiang Estuary, China. Marine Biology, 2008. 154: 997-1007. (IF=2.215)

126.  Chen, G.C., Y. Ye, and C.Y. Lu, Seasonal variability of leaf litter removal by crabs in a Kandelia candel mangrove forest in JiulongJiang Estuary, China. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 2008. 79: 701-706. (IF=1.799)

127.  Ou, H., C.Y. Lu, and D.K. O'Toole, A risk assessment system for alien plant bio-invasion in Xiamen, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 2008. 20: 989-997. (IF=0.48)