长期海水酸化对硅藻(三角褐指藻)生长及光合生理的影响 Decreased photosynthesis and growth with reduced respiration in the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum grown under elevated CO2 over 1800 generations
Incident ultraviolet irradiances influence physiology, development and settlement of larva in the coral Pocillopora damicornis
三维光电极应用于光电催化水解的研究进展 Prof. Xi Chen's research progress was published online in Nano Energy on May 24
董云伟教授课题组研究成果发表于Diversity and Distributions The marine ‘great wall’ of China: local- and broad-scale ecological impacts of coastal infrastructure on intertidal macrobenthic communities
超双亲三维石墨烯泡沫的制备与研究进展 A Phytic Acid-Induced Super-Amphiphilic Multifunctional 3D Graphene-Based Foam
董云伟教授在Functional Ecology发表研究论文 Ecological relevance of energy metabolism: transcriptional responses in energy sensing and expenditure to thermal and osmotic stresses in an intertidal limpet