潮间带Echinolittorina属滨螺细胞质苹果酸脱氢酶高温耐受机制的研究 Heat-resistant cytosolic malate dehydrogenases (cMDHs) of thermophilicintertidal snails (genus Echinolittorina) : protein underpinnings of tolerance to body temperatures reaching 55°C
董云伟教授课题组在《英国皇家学会会刊B辑:生物科学》发表论文 Untangling the roles of microclimate, behavior and physiological polymorphism in governing vulnerability of intertidal snails to heat stress
西北太平洋边缘海上层水体微微型真核生物丰富种与稀少种子群落差异性分布模式 Abundant and rare picoeukaryotic sub-communities present contrasting patterns in the epipelagic waters of marginal seas in the northwestern Pacific Ocean
王克坚、高坤山国重自主课题研究成果在PLoS ONE发表 Ocean acidification modulates expression of genes and physiological performance of a marine diatom
大洋与近岸硅藻对碳酸盐系统日变化及CO2浓度升高的光生理学响应 Physiological responses of coastal and oceanic diatoms to diurnal fluctuations in seawater carbonate chemistry under two CO22 concentrations
九龙江口间隙水交换和海底地下水排放的溶解物质:基于224Ra/228Th不平衡法的新认识 Solute transport into the Jiulong River estuary via pore water exchange and submarine groundwater discharge: New insights from 224Ra/228Th disequilibrium
氮限制条件下颗石藻(大洋球石藻)对不同氮源和光强的生理学响应 Effects of varying growth irradiance and nitrogen sources on calcification and physiological performance of the coccolithophore Gephyrocapsa oceanica grown under nitrogen limitation