讲座报告 Seminar
Luncheon Seminar #184: Controls on seasonal and spatial variability in surface pCO2 and air-water CO2 flux in the Chesapeake Bay  

【时间 Time】:2020-12-7 (星期一) 11:40am-1:00pm Seminar starts at 12:00pm    【浏览次数 Count】:901   【发布时间 Updated】:2020-12-1
【地点 Venue】:周隆泉楼A3-206   A3-206 Zhou Long Quan Building
【主讲人 Speaker】:陈宝山,副研究员    Baoshan Chen
【来访单位 Institution】:石溪大学,美国    Stony Brook University USA
【邀请人 Host】:曹知勉  Zhimian Cao      【联络人 Contact】:黄迎   Ying Huang 2181571


Estuaries are important sites for understanding carbon cycling, due to their disproportionate contribution to air-water CO2 fluxes. However, few studies have been conducted in large bays with moderate river input and a long water residence time. The Chesapeake Bay, the largest and a productive estuary in the United States, is in this type. Therefore, understanding what drives the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of surface partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) and annual CO2 flux has far-reaching impacts in constraining the uncertainties in the estimate of global estuary air-water CO2 flux. We conducted research to elucidate the interactions between riverine inputs, internal cycling, and oceanic exchange in the Chesapeake Bay. Several methods have been implemented to estimate the air-water CO2 flux in this area while they showed large variations, indicating the internal dynamic features. Although the main stem of the bay was a weak CO2 source during the dry hydrologic year, our observations showed higher river discharge could decrease CO2 efflux. In contrast to many other estuaries worldwide that are strong sources of CO2 to the atmosphere, the Chesapeake Bay and potentially other large estuaries are very weak CO2 sources in dry years, and could even turn into a CO2 sink in wet years.



陈宝山,近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室(厦门大学)高级访问学者。2015年获美国佐治亚大学海洋科学系博士学位, 2015-2019于美国特拉华大学海洋与政策学院从事博士后研究,2019年至今就职于美国石溪大学海洋与大气科学学院副研究员。陈宝山博士从事中国与美国河口、近海、上升流与西北冰洋无机碳循环研究已长达15年;研究特色为结合当下前沿科技与现场观测,并进行优化与改进,来揭示不同时空尺度下观测现象的控制机理。目前研究的重点包括西北冰洋海区碳循环以及海洋酸化对海冰快速融化的响应,河口与近海碳循环对人类活动的短期与长期响应,河口与近海的缺氧区与海底酸化等研究。迄今已在Science, Nature Geoscience, Nature Climate Change, Nature Communications等多个国际知名SCI期刊发表论文近40篇,论文被引累计近1000次,同时担任多个国际主流学术期刊审稿人。


Conference ID1874770807

Zoom link: https:/huawan.zoomus.cn/j/1874770807

Suihui (随会) link: https://private.suimeeting.com/share/j/1874770807