讲座报告 Seminar
Luncheon Seminar #179: An overview on the biogeochemical response including export fluxes mediated by mesoscale eddies  

【时间 Time】:2020-11-9 (星期一) 1:00pm-2:00pm    【浏览次数 Count】:1139   【发布时间 Updated】:2020-11-3
【地点 Venue】:周隆泉楼二楼豆恩咖啡厅   Dom Cafe, 2nd Floor, Zhou Long Quan Building
【主讲人 Speaker】:周宽波,副研究员    Kuanbo Zhou
【来访单位 Institution】:厦门大学近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室,中国    MEL China
【邀请人 Host】:郭香会  Xianghui Guo      【联络人 Contact】:黄迎   Ying Huang 2181571


Mesoscale eddies are ubiquitous features throughout the world’s oceans that redistribute nutrients (and their ratios) from depth to the euphotic zone, thus inducing a cascade of biochemical and ecological responses (e.g. biomass and phytoplankton composition) that facilitate the downward export of sinking particles (e.g. carbon, nitrogen and silica). Field observations, however, suggest that significant differences in the biogeochemical response occur depending on the mechanism of formation, sampling relative to eddy age, location of sampling within a mesoscale feature, and appropriate non-eddy references. In this talk, I will review the statues of eddy biogeochemistry, and present my own research in the South China Sea and other oligotrophic regions which helps to reconcile such observational bias. Future direction with high spatial-temporal resolution sampling strategy will also be emphasized. 



周宽波,2012年获厦门大学博士学位,2014-2017年,获麻省理工学院-新加坡联盟博士后奖学金,继续博士后研究工作,博士后导师为美国科学院院士Ed Boyle教授。2017年至今,为厦门大学近海海洋环境国家重点实验室副研究员。周宽波博士的研究兴趣主要为利用短寿命的天然放射性核素(比如234Th和228Th)示踪上层海洋颗粒动力学及其输出过程;海洋中尺度过程的生物地球化学响应及其对输出通量的贡献;南海以及陆架边缘海输出通量的时空变化特征;海洋中痕量金属(比如铁)在上层海洋的生物地球化学循环。目前已在多个海洋学主流期刊如Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Progress in Oceanography, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans等杂志发表论文18篇。同时担任多个SCI期刊审稿人。