讲座报告 Seminar
美国Scripps海洋研究所Farooq Azam教授讲座  
【浏览次数 Count】:1664   【发布时间 Updated】:2006-11-27

11月23日至11月28日期间,美国Scripps海洋研究所Farooq Azam教授访问我实验室,并做两场讲座。Farooq Azam教授是国际知名的海洋科学家,于1968年获得捷克科学研究院(Czech Academy of Science)微生物学博士学位,之后一直在美国从事海洋科学研究,1988年受聘美国Scripps海洋研究所特聘教授,在海洋生物科学方面有很高造诣。曾兼职于多个国际学术机构,获过多种奖励和荣誉,在国际权威学术杂志上发表170多篇论文,具有重要影响力。 欢迎各位老师同学前来交流讨论!

第一场: 时间:2006年11月24日 16:00-17:30 
主讲人:Farooq Azam 
题目:Mechanisms in microbial regulation of oceanic carbon cycling 

第二场(南强讲座): 时间:2006年11月27日 16:15-17:45 
主讲人:Farooq Azam 
题目:Marine microbes and global habitability 
讲座摘要: Recent discoveries on the abundance, diversity and ecosystem function of marine microbes have shown that microbes play central roles in the grand cycles of elements in the ocean’s ecosystems—and in the ocean’s response to global change. Microbes strongly regulate ecosystem structure with implications for fundamental as well as practical societal issue such as global ocean carbon cycle, climate, marine diversity, marine conservation, fisheries and aquaculture. It is also becoming clear that ocean health and human health are intertwined. The ocean acts as vector for some human pathogens (e.g. Vibrio cholerae) and global warming and sea-level rise may increase the chances of human exposure. Marine conservation, fisheries management and mariculture are important societal issues requiring ecosystem-based management. This necessitates integrating the newly discovered great microbial diversity into models of how the ocean “works” as an ecosystem and how human activities may affect its biogeochemical state, and indeed global habitability. The complexity of this task may require a unifying way to conceptualize the relationship of life and environment.