讲座报告 Seminar
[4月23日] 加拿大渔业与海洋局Mike Foreman教授学术讲座  
【浏览次数 Count】:2587   【发布时间 Updated】:2009-4-10

A Coupled Biophysical Model for Aquaculture Management in the Broughton Archipelago, Canada


Mike Foreman

Institute of Ocean Sciences

Fisheries and Oceans Canada



地点:曾呈奎楼 B-206



Recent research on the interactions between parasitic sea lice and wild and farmed salmon in the Broughton Archipelago of British Columbia, Canada has underlined the need to better understand the role that physical oceanography plays in the development, behaviour and movement of these lice. In this talk we will describe a model that simulates both the dispersion of lice eggs originating on salmon farms and their development through the nauplii and copepodid life stages. This biological model is coupled to a finite volume circulation model that provides the four-dimensional salinity, temperature and velocity fields that control movement and growth/mortality. A three week simulation for March 2008 will be evaluated against available observations and the utility of these coupled models in helping to design a coordinated aquaculture management plan in 2009 will be briefly discussed.


Mike Foreman 教授的个人主页:http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/sci/osap/people/foreman_e.htm