讲座报告 Seminar
[4月9日] 北极东方湖——世界上最遥远的湖  
【浏览次数 Count】:2649   【发布时间 Updated】:2009-4-1


Lake Vostok, Antarctica - The World’s remotest lake

Professor David J Drewry

Vice-Chancellor, The University of Hull, UK




In the remotest region of the remotest continent on earth lying beneath an ice cover almost 4km thick there is one of the world’s largest and certainly most bizarre and intriguing lakes – Antarctica’s Lake Vostok.  Of similar size to Lake Ontario in North America (approx. 260km long, 80km wide) it was discovered thirty years ago by a team of scientists studying the great ice sheet. As one of that team I describe how this lake has been locked away from contact with the rest of the world for possibly many millions of years and describe its geographical and geophysical setting. More recent investigations have begun to reveal details of processes in the lake – possible patterns of water circulation driven by melting and freezing at the base of the ice sheet in waters that are up to 650m in depth. Of considerable interest is speculation regarding what life forms may have evolved in this extreme environment of high pressures, freezing cold and lack of light, similar to the deepest parts of the oceans.

A Russian team drilling through the ice to collect cores for the study of climate stopped only a few tens of metres above the lake. The core revealed the presence of bacteria frozen into the ice. As yet no drilling has been made through the ice and into the water to sample it because of concerns of contamination but plans are being developed by international teams to further investigate the lake.

赫尔大学校长David J Drewry简介

David Drewry教授从1999年起任赫尔大学校长,他毕业于剑桥大学,获冰川学博士之后继续在剑桥斯格特极地研究所从事研究工作。于1987年至1989年间任该研究所所长。从1987年至1997年,他在剑桥从事研究的同时任英国南极考察主任。1994年至1997年间,他担任自然环境研究委员会付总裁兼科技主任。之后他被任命为英国文化委员会总主任。

David Drewry教授早年应用空中与卫星雷达技术研究冰川与气候之间的关系。他与美国国家科学基金会一起工作了10年,曾五次率领英美联合远征队考察南极。1980年至1986年间,他侧重于研究北极,曾四次率领英国与挪威联合考察团远征斯瓦巴德。他先后出版了三部关于冰川学、地质物理学和冰川与气候相互作用的专著,以及无数相关学术论文。

