
Training workshop on Marine Radioactivity, Puerto Rico, Feb 20-22, 2019
Updated on£º2018-8-21      Visits£º1182

three day training workshop is being offered on marine radioactivity on February 20-22, 2019 in University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras, Puerto Rico. The site and timing was chosen to precede the ASLO Ocean Sciences meeting, starting Feb. 24th, for those interested in attending both events. 

The purpose of the workshop is to train University students, early career scientists, and other professionals who are interested in, or will pursue research and/or management positions that require knowledge of radioactivity and its use in ocean sciences. 

The workshop will include overview lectures and guest lectures covering the following subjects: Basics of radioactivity; natural, anthropogenic, and cosmogenic radioisotopes in the marine environment; radioecology, tracer and dating techniques; and other applications of radionuclides as ocean tracers. The training workshop will also provide hands-on activities and a field trip where samples are collected along the coast and subsequently processed and measured for radionuclides by workshop participants.

For more information, please visit the website:

Note that the application deadline is October 1st, 2018.