
Call for Abstract: the 10th UCAS Graduate Symposium
Updated on:2018-1-3      Visits:2928

UCAS (University Consortium of Aquatic Science) is a postgraduate organization focusing on aquatic science. The theme of the 10th UCAS is “The blue planet—What are we doing & What’s to be done?”. It is going to be held by Xiamen University, at Dongshan Swire Marine Station, on March 18-23, 2018.

UCAS encourages interdisciplinary communications and workshops to simulate exchange of ideas and scientific discussion. It was initially organized by students from Xiamen University and the University of Hong Kong, and then enrolled students from National Taiwan Ocean University and National Sun Yat-Sen University, thus covering universities from Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China. It is also open for students from other universities in mainland China since 2016. Symposiums are held every year since 2009, during which participants have opportunities to present their own research in various areas and take part in activities including keynote lectures, workshops, field trips, outreach section, BBQ night, etc. The official language of UCAS is English.

The XMU UCAS Committee invite graduate students to attend this symposium. To join us, please submit your abstract by scanning the QR code or visiting The deadline of application is January 12, 2018. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact with Mengyang Liu ( or Shuai Gu (