
Training Workshop on Metal Speciation and Isotopes in the Ocean for GEOTRACES and Beyond, May 12-17, 2018
Updated on£º2017-11-16      Visits£º2013


A training workshop on metal speciation and isotopes in the ocean for GEOTRACES and beyond will be organized by State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (MEL) in  Xiamen, China. The purpose of this workshop is to train graduate students and professionals who are interested in or will study trace metal and isotope biogeochemistry.

It is hoped that the workshop will also serve to enhance capacity of GEOTRACES-related studies. The training will include in class lectures and hands-on experiments in the laboratory equipped with a variety of measurement tools. Subjects to be covered include electrochemistry, metal speciation, trace metals and their isotopes.


The online registration will be open from November 15, 2017 till February 23, 2018.




Contact us:

Ms Vera Shi:, 86-592-2186039

Ms Yan Yang:, 86-138-060-280-54