
Mini-course dealing with the art of oral presentations
Updated on£º2016-9-13      Visits£º988

This is a mini-course to be held between 25 October and 17 or 18 November, 2016 dealing with the art of oral presentation of research findings for conferences, seminars or “laboratory groups”. Although much of what is covered applies equally to presentation in Chinese or English, my emphasis, obviously, will be on the latter.

The course will start with an introductory session covering the general “do and do not” aspects of oral presentation, including addressing any questions you might have. You will each be asked to produce a 10 minute presentation, being given three weeks to do so. However, on 8 November you will hand in a memory stick (to be returned to you during the course) containing any “visuals” which you will use to support your oral presentation. This material will be loaded onto the computer for projection, and on 15 November you will in turn (and in a randomly selected order) each give your oral presentation. The presentations, which will be videoed, will take one day, and then on 17 November (and possibly 18 November in the morning) there will be feedback sessions related to your presentations, where again any questions you might have will also be dealt with. You are expected to be present throughout all the presentations and feedback sessions.


Tuesday 25 October 2016

0900 – 1100


Hand-in “visuals” *

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Before 1030



Tuesday 15 November 2016







(1) Thursday 17 November 2016

0900 – 1040






(2) Friday 18 November 2016**

0900 – 1040



Unfortunately, I can mange only 30 participants for this mini-course and so selection may be necessary. Preference will be given to those students who are able to attend all the presentations and the feedback sessions. Please register your wish to participate in the course by emailing Miss Vera Shi at (and copied to your supervisor) before the 14 October, providing the following information: Name and email address, Masters or Doctorate student, Year 1, 2, 3, etc.; and confirming that you are able to attend all the sessions or giving an explanation as to which part(s) you cannot attend.

You will be notified as soon as possible as to whether you have been selected. However, even if you are not selected, you are welcome to attend the introductory session on 25 October.

Registration Form