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MEL was categorized as one of the class ¡°A¡± state Key laboratories
Updated on£º2015-12-6      Visits£º3332

MEL was categorized as one of the class “A” state Key laboratories during a recent the nation-wide review organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) among 46 state key laboratories in earth science. It’s the only one “A” lab in ocean sciences in 2015, and the second “A” for MEL since its establishment in 2005.

MOST organizes the review every 5 years among state key labs in different areas, to evaluate the performance of the labs.


                     On-site panel review on June 11                Dr. Minhan Dai reporting MEL's 5-year research progress


Dr. Haili Wang introducing MEL's facilities to the review panel        Dr. Shuh-Ji Kao guiding a lab tour