
International Conference on Underwater Science, Technology and Education
Updated on£º2015-5-4      Visits£º1536

The International Conference on Underwater Science, Technology and Education (ICUSTE) will be held in the City University of Hong Kong on August 19-22, 2015.

The aims of the ICUSTE are to promote academic exchange and collaboration in marine environmental science, enhance the awareness of marine environmental protection, facilitate the sustainable use of marine resources, elevate underwater research and exploration capabilities, develop marine innovative research, and educate industry in the greater China region. This conference will be structured towards some invited, key presentations, will have a larger than normal focus on poster presentations, and considerable time will be allocated for breakout discussions on key topics. The workshop will be focused on the marine innovative technology and the development of future marine industries in Hong Kong. Discussion highlights and conclusions from the conference will be used to prepare separate summaries for policy makers in Hong Kong, Shenzhen and the Central Government. These resources will help to guide the research community and funding organizations towards rapid progress in the application of advanced underwater research tools and technologies. This conference is highly relevant to postgraduates and professionals working in the areas of marine environmental science, oceanography and education.

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