
Application Guidelines for MEL 2015 Outstanding Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Updated on:2015-6-7      Visits:3680

Application Guidelines for MEL 2015 Outstanding Postdoctoral Fellowship Program


Since its establishment in 2005, the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science at Xiamen University (MEL) has been dedicated to pursuing cutting-edge research on global change, focusing on marine biogeochemistry and its interactions with the marine ecosystem, emphasizing fundamental and interdisciplinary research, and utilizing technological innovation.

Rated as one of the excellent state key laboratories in China, MEL aims to foster innovative researches and interdisciplinary collaborations. With that in mind, MEL initiated the Outstanding Postdoctoral Fellowship Program.

The Fellowship funds innovative, ground-breaking projects that have the potential to advance knowledge in marine environmental sciences and other interdisciplinary research that fits into MEL research scopes.


Applicants for the Postdoctoral Fellowship must have already obtained or be currently working towards a research doctorate (Ph.D.) or a doctoral-level degree comparable to a Ph.D. with equivalent experience in basic research (in this case, related documents should be provided to prove eligibility).

Candidates who already have a Ph.D. must have obtained their doctoral degree in the 3 years prior to the submission deadline (2012-2015).


Applicants are advised to contact a host supervisor in advance to explore the possibility of collaboration as well as discuss their research interests. We encourage confirmation of this intent to collaborate prior to the application submission. Information about the research interests of MEL faculty is available here.

Applications must include the following:

a)        A completed MEL Outstanding Postdoctoral Fellowship application form;

b)        An updated Curriculum Vitae;

c)        Your doctorate certificate (or documents which prove that you will be able to obtain a doctorate, or documents which prove your ability is equivalent to a doctoral-level degree);

d)        Contact information of at least three academic references.

e)         1-2 pieces of manuscripts which have been published.

There will be two opportunities per year for the fellowship application. All application packages must be submitted electronically to the administrative office via email. The submission deadlines are July 31st and October 31st. Unsuccessful candidates can apply more than once, provided they still meet all eligibility criteria.


There are two steps in the review process: MEL committee panel review and expert interview, and authorization by Xiamen University.

1)        Panel review and expert interview: MEL will set up a scientific committee to evaluate applications and proposals. Screened applicants will be invited for an interview with the ad hoc committee consisted of at least 10 experts.  Committee members will vote for their decisions. Subsequently, a further approval will be endorsed by the College of Ocean and Earth Science and/or the College of the Environment and Ecology. Successful candidates will be notified by September 20th and/or December 20th. All applicants will be informed with outcome of the competitions.

The application and selection process are strictly confidential, and neither the discussions of applications during review nor the information regarding unsuccessful applications are publicly released.

2)       Authorization of Xiamen University: The endorsed candidate list will be sent to the Personnel Division of Xiamen University for final authorization. Authorized fellowship awardees will be invited to follow the procedure and register at either the Marine Science Postdoctoral Research Center or the Environmental Science and Engineering Postdoctoral Research Center at Xiamen University, within one year from the date of final approval.


MEL will offer overall 5 Outstanding Postdoctoral Fellowship places each year.

Awarded fellows will be funded for 12-24 months. Fellowship holders will only have one opportunity to apply for a six-month extension for the proposed project. The extended research should align with the framework and scientific objectives of the proposed research project. Approval and endorsement from the host supervisor should be obtained one month prior to the fellowship deadline.

Xiamen University will provide every postdoctoral fellow with a single room apartment (monthly rental cost will be covered by MEL) and a fixed annual stipend of RMB 35,000 (equivalent to USD ~5,620). In addition, MEL will offer all fellows with an extra allowance of RMB 100,000 (equivalent to USD ~16,000) per year, and a travel cost of up to USD 2,000 for first travel to Xiamen or attendance at an international conference within the valid fellowship period.


It is all postdoctoral fellows’ obligation to give a research seminar to introduce their research proposals and plans within the first month after registration. By the end of the valid fellowship period, fellowship holders are also required to share their research outcomes and achievements via another research seminar and a written report.

Research results and outcomes funded by the MEL Outstanding Postdoctoral Fellowship must be published in internationally recognized and peer-reviewed scientific journals. An acknowledgement of support by MEL must be included in any publication resulting from work carried out under the Fellowship, including abstracts presented to any conference/congress/workshop (e.g., “The work was supported by an Outstanding Postdoctoral Scholarship from the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science at Xiamen University.”). Furthermore, a PDF file of each publication must be sent to the Administrative Office for record, which would be archived for the fellowship program.

      All rights are reserved to the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science at Xiamen University (MEL).


Fellowship submission deadlines

July 31st, 2015 / October 31st, 2015

Contact details

Ms. Xinya Xu

Administrative Office

State KeyLaboratory of Marine EnvironmentalScience

Zhou Long Quan Building, Xiang'an Campus, Xiamen University

Xiamen 361102, China

Tel: +86-592-2181571   Fax: 86-592-2184101

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