Visiting Fellowships

MEL Visiting Fellowship Program Guide for Applicants
Updated on£º2016-4-1      Visits£º11008

MEL Visiting Fellowship Program Guide for Applicants


The State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (MEL) at Xiamen University launched a "Visiting Fellowship Program" for visiting scholars in marine sciences to conduct collaborative research with MEL members. Combined with the MEL Open Science Fund, the program offers visiting scholars financial support for 1-6 month stays in Xiamen.

1. Supported research fields:

The fellowship supports research in the general area of marine environmental science with emphasis on ocean carbon biogeochemistry, ocean nitrogen biogeochemistry, marine biogeochemistry of organic matter and metals, marine microbial ecology, ecological processes of plankton, ecological impacts of ocean acidification and UV radiation, ecotoxicological effects of marine pollutants, coastal ocean dynamics and ecosystem response, ocean observation,and other disciplines related to the scientific questionswith which MEL is concerned.

2. Fellowship types and support amount:

2.1 MEL Distinguished Visiting Fellowship. This Fellowship provides a monthly allowance of 40,000 Yuan for one to six months in a one-year period, round-trip international travel expenses (economy class), and accommodation or accommodation allowance. Laboratories, office facilities, communication networks, and other communal research facilities will be provided.

2.2MEL Senior Visiting Fellowship. This Fellowship is supported by MEL with a monthly allowance of 20,000 Yuan for one to six months in a one-year period, round-trip international travel expenses (economy class), and accommodation or accommodation allowance. Laboratories, office facilities, communication networks, and other communal research facilities will be provided.

2.3 MEL Young Scientist Visiting Fellowship.This Fellowship is supported by MEL with a monthly allowance of 10,000 Yuan for one to six months in a one-year period, round-trip travel expenses (economy class), and accommodation or accommodation allowance. Laboratories, office facilities, communication networks, and other communal research facilities will be provided. Successful candidates are encouraged to apply for up to 20,000 Yuan in research funding from MEL.

3. How to apply?

3.1 Applications are accepted all year round.

3.2 The applicant must have a collaborative partner established at MEL prior to his/her application for the fellowship (£ªAll support will be covered as a ratio 2:1 by MEL and the MEL collaborative partnerof the applicant).

3.3 Fill in the application form on-line ( Applicants for the Young Scientist Visiting Fellowship can also apply for up to 20,000 Yuan in research funding. A detailed budget is required.

3.4 Application reviews will be organized every March 15, July 15 and November 15. The review outcome will be announced on the MEL website andapplicants notified within a month.

3.5 Apply HERE


Contact the program secretary:

Angela Liu


Tel: 86-592-2181571

MEL website:


State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental

Science (MEL), Xiamen University

June of 2016