Summer Semester Course: Connection: Storytelling and new media for science communication
¡¾Time¡¿: 2017-6-20 (ÐÇÆÚ¶þ) -7ÔÂ21ÈÕ    ¡¾Count¡¿: 1118   ¡¾Updated on¡¿: 2017-6-15
¡¾Venue¡¿: B3-202, Zhou Long Quan Bldg
¡¾Speaker¡¿: Dr. Tullio Rossi, Founder
¡¾Institution¡¿: Animate Your Science, University of Adelaide, Australia
¡¾Host¡¿: Emily H. King, COSEE China

Course title

Connection: Storytelling and new media for science communication 


Course outline

The course will open with an introduction to communication and storytelling fundamentals. Students will pick a peer-reviewed research paper of their choice at the beginning of the course and then tell its story utilizing various media and communication techniques. These include, but are not limited to: presentations with visual support, written media release, a poster, and video animation.  While the course and all teaching materials will be in English, the assignments, particularly the videos, will be bilingual in nature.  Grading will be based on the products produced and in-class work.



To be offered: Approx. 19June – 22 July 2017

Graduate: Session 3-4, Tuesday & Thursday

Undergraduate: Session 3-4, Wednesday; Session 5-6, Thursday


Hours: 20

Credit: 1

Enrollment: 25 students
Instructors: Dr. Tullio Rossi


Learning objectives:

After taking this course you should be able to

·         Understand and apply fundamental communication principles

·         Understand and apply fundamental storytelling principles

·         Communicate science to both expert and lay audiences

·         Communicate research findings using storytelling

·         Communicate research findings using the following media

o   Public speaking (expert audience)

o   Poster presentation (expert audience)

o   Media release (lay audience)

o   Animation video (lay audience)


Schedule and activities:

Each of the lectures will explore one specific facet of science communication. For each week, a set of required practical activities is assigned.




Connection: Hollywood Storytelling Meets Critical Thinking by Randy OlsonDorie BartonBrian Palermo (http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18579748-connection)

Dr. Rossi's website: https://www.tulliorossi.com/