Luncheon Seminars #67: Net Community Production Determined from in-situ Oxygen Measurements on Profiling Floats
¡¾Time¡¿: 2016-12-26 (ÐÇÆÚÒ») 12:20-13:30    ¡¾Count¡¿: 1678   ¡¾Updated on¡¿: 2016-12-21
¡¾Venue¡¿: A3-206, Zhou Long Quan Bldg
¡¾Speaker¡¿: Dr. Bo Yang, Postdoctoral Research Associate
¡¾Institution¡¿: University of Washington, USA
¡¾Host¡¿: Dr. Jian Ma   ¡¾Contact¡¿: Vera Shi, vera_shiwei@xmu.edu.cn


Net community production (NCP) was determined using in-situ oxygen measurements from Argo profiling floats with an upper water column oxygen mass balance model. In the subtropical Pacific Ocean the annual NCP (ANCP) was determined to be from 2.0 to 2.4 mol C m-2 yr-1 in the western subtropical North Pacific, 2.4 mol C m-2 yr-1 in the eastern subtropical North Pacific, and near zero in the South Pacific. The same approach was applied to the float data from Ocean Station Papa (OSP) in the subarctic North Pacific, to study the NCP variation from 2013 to 2015 when strong positive temperature anomaly was observed in the Northeast Pacific (the “blob”). ANCP at OSP was determined to be 2.4, 1.0, and 3.2 mol C m-2 yr-1 for year 2013, 2014, and 2015, respectively. Summer NCP rates in the mixed layer remained relatively consistent for these three years (12.5 14.8 mmol C m-2 d-1), so the decline of ANCP in 2014 is probably due to enhanced respiration in the winter of this year.


Brief CV

Area of Specialization

·          seawater carbon system, air-sea gas exchange, analytical chemistry, instrumentation, data processing


·          2015-Present    Postdoctoral Research Associate, School of Oceanography, University of Washington.


·          Ph.D. in Oceanography (2010-2015)

College of Marine Science, University of South Florida, USA.

Dissertation: Field Observations and Novel Methodologies for Carbon System Assessment in Coastal Waters

·          M.S. in Environmental Science (2007-2010)

College of Oceanography and Environmental Science, Xiamen University, China.

Thesis: Development of a High Precision Seawater pH Measurement System

·          B.S. in Marine Science (2003-2007)

College of Oceanography and Environmental Science, Xiamen University, China

Thesis: A Novel Method for Determination of Total Alkalinity in Seawater

Research Experience

·          Postdoctoral Research (2015-present)

Net Community Production determined from Argo-O2 measurements

·          Doctoral Research (2010-2015)

Measurement of organic alkalinity in coastal waters

Time series assessments of ocean acidification and carbon system properties in coastal waters

Low-cost seawater pH measurement system

In Situ spectrophotometric measurement of dissolved inorganic carbon in seawater

·          Master’s Research (2007-2010)

In-situ measurements for pH and total alkalinity