Nutrient dynamics in the northern South China Sea: A satellite view
【Time】: 2016-7-15 (星期五) 10:00    【Count】: 806   【Updated on】: 2016-7-13
【Venue】: Multifunction Meeting Room, First Floor, ZLQ Bldg
【Speaker】: Xiaoju Pan, Associate Prof
【Institution】: Ocean University of China, Mainland, China
【Host】: Xianghui Guo   【Contact】: Angela Liu


An algorithm has been developed for estimating the surface concentrations of nitrate plus nitrite (N+N) in the Northern South China Sea (NSCS) through a combination of remotely sensed sea surface temperature (SST) and the absorption coefficient of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM). The uncertainty in the remotely sensed N+N was about ±40%. The climatologically spatial and temporal distributions of the satellite-derived surface N+N in the NSCS were projected. The effects of monsoons, surface heating/cooling, riverine input and coastal upwelling on the distributions of surface N+N were evaluated.