Luncheon Seminars #52: Using evolution experiments to understand phytoplankton responses to Ocean Acidification
【Time】: 2016-3-7 (星期一) 11:40-13:30(12:20开讲)    【Count】: 1194   【Updated on】: 2016-3-2
【Venue】: A3-206, Zhou Long Quan Building
【Speaker】: Dr. Sinéad Collins
【Institution】: Institute of Evolutionary Biology School, University of Edinburgh, UK
【Host】: Dr. Kunshan Gao   【Contact】: Vera Shi, vera_shiwei@xmu.edu.cn


Understanding how phytoplankton communities, and the functions of key taxa within those communities, will change under ocean acidification is one of the main challenges facing marine scientists. Because phytoplankton have large population sizes and reproduce quickly, they have the potential to evolve in response to ocean acidification, which could in turn affect marine foodwebs and biogeochemical cycles. I will discuss how an experimental evolution approach can be a useful way to further our understanding marine phytoplankton responses to ocean acidification, and go over some of the recent surprising patterns that are emerging from my research.

Web link: http://www.smallbutmighty.bio.ed.ac.uk