The Impacts of Climate Change on Pacific Island Cultures
¡¾Time¡¿: 2015-12-30 (ÐÇÆÚÈý) 12:30-13:30    ¡¾Count¡¿: 1281   ¡¾Updated on¡¿: 2015-12-28
¡¾Venue¡¿: A3-206, Zhou Long Quan Building
¡¾Speaker¡¿: Daniel Lin, Senior Policy Specialist / Project Manager
¡¾Institution¡¿: Pacific Resources for Education and Learning, Honolulu, Hawaii
¡¾Host¡¿: COSEE China Office   ¡¾Contact¡¿: Vera Shi, vera_shiwei@xmu.edu.cn


Climate change is widely known to be the most important challenge of our modern time. People from all over the world are beginning to see and feel the effects of rising global temperatures. In the Pacific Islands, different countries have been feeling these effects for many years now. These countries are the most vulnerable in the world to the early effects of climate change.  Hear how their lives have been changed and what their struggle means for all of us.   

Personal CV as attached.

Daniel Lin's CV