About Nature Publishing Group and Nature Climate Change
【Time】: 2015-8-7 (星期五) 10:00-11:00    【Count】: 901   【Updated on】: 2015-8-4
【Venue】: A3-206, Zhou Long Quan Bldg
【Speaker】: Dr. Bronwyn Wake, Senior Editor
【Institution】: Nature Climate Change, Australia
【Host】: Dr. Minhan Dai   【Contact】: Vera Shi, vera_shiwei@xmu.edu.cn
A round-table discussion is arranged on the same day:
Time: Aug. 7 (Friday) 14:30-16:30
Venue: B3-204, Zhou Long Quan Bldg
Participants: Dr. Bronwyn Wake, Dr. Wenju Cai (CSIRO)
Bronwyn Wake’s brief intro:
Bronwyn is an oceanographer, with a PhD in trace element biogeochemistry and first class Honours in Antarctic Studies from the University of Tasmania, Australia. Prior to joining Nature Climate Change, Bronwyn was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Southampton, UK and European Institute for Marine Studies, Brest, France. Her research work focused on trace metal cycling in marine waters and their roles as micronutrients for phytoplankton. Bronwyn is based in the Sydney office.