What do we really know about the extant Nitrogen cycle?
【Time】: 2014-9-15 (星期一) 09:00    【Count】: 1487   【Updated on】: 2014-9-13
【Venue】: A3-206, Zhou Long Quan Building
【Speaker】: Prof. Martin G. Klotz, Professor
【Institution】: University of North Carolina - Charlotte, USA
【Host】: Prof. Hongyue Dang

Curriculum vitae: Martin Günter Klotz, PhD


Chair, Department of Biological Sciences & Director, PhD in Biology Program

246A Woodward Hall, UNC-Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223. Phone: 704-687-8686; FAX: -1488;

Email: mklotz@uncc.edu - http://biologicalsciences.uncc.edu


Principal Investigator: Evolutionary & Genomic Microbiology Laboratory

477 Woodward Hall, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC 28223, USA

Phone: 704-687-5465; Email: martin.g.klotz@gmail.com - http://mgkmicro.com


• Editor-in-Chief: Frontiers in Microbiology (Nature Publishing Group, IF 3.941)

Frontiers Editorial Office, Science Park PSE-D; 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

Phone: +41 (0) 21-693-9202; FAX: +41 (0)21-693-9201

Email: martin.klotz@frontiersin.org - http://www.frontiersin.org/microbiology/about





Citizen, Federal Republic of Germany (European Union)

Permanent Resident, United States of America

• Married (Katherine Louise), five children (Philipp, Friedrich, Maximilian, Olivia, Victoria)



The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels: Commissioned, The Governor of Kentucky (2006)

• Marquis Who’s Who in Science (2009)

Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars, Mu Chapter Member (2012)

• Distinguished Visiting Fellow, State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (MEL), Xiamen University, Xiamen, China (2014)


Professional Societies:

• American Society for Microbiologists (ASM, USA)

• Society for Applied Microbiology (SfAM, UK)





Professional Preparation

Undergraduate: University of Rostock, Germany, Physics, BS (magna cum laude), 1976-1980.

Graduate: University of Jena, Germany, Biophysics MS (1982) and Biology, Ph.D. (1986)

(Advisor: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Eberhard Müller, Univ. of Jena, Emeritus.)

Postdoctoral: Institute of Biophysics, Hung. Acad. Sci., Szeged, Hungary, 1986-87, (Advisor: Prof. Dr. sc. Lazslo Erdei, University of Szeged, Hungary)

Department of Technical Microbiology, University of Jena, 1987-88 (Advisor: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Wolfgang Fritsche, Univ. of Jena, Emeritus.)

Addl. Research Experience: Dept. of Plant Physiology, Univ. of Lund, Sweden, 1988; Institute of Biophysics, Hung. Acad. Sci., Szeged, Hungary. 1988; Dept. of Plant Pathology, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA, 1989



Academic Appointments

2014 - present: Professor & Chair, Department of Biological Sciences, UNC, Charlotte, NC

2011 - 2014: Professor & Chair, Department of Biology, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC

2009 - 2011: Professor, Department of Biology, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY

2005 - 2011: Faculty Associate, Dept. of Microbiology & Immunology, UofL, Louisville, KY

2004 - 2009: Associate Professor, Department of Biology, UofL, Louisville, KY

1999 - 2011: Member, Center for Genetics and Molecular Medicine, UofL, Louisville, KY

1998 - 2003: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biology, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY

1995 - 1998: Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, University of Colorado, Denver, CO

1991 - 1995: Res. Assistant Professor, Biology Department, Utah State University, Logan, UT

1990 - 1991: Res. Associate; Department of Botany, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD

1988 - 1990: Assistant Professor; Dept. of Technical Microbiology, Univ. of Jena, Germany



Administrative Leadership Development

• UNC Charlotte ADVANCE Faculty Affairs Office and Academic Affairs, Charlotte, NC

Participant: "2011-2012 Leadership UNC Charlotte - A Program for Department Chairs & Emerging Leaders"; Completed May 9, 2012

• UNC Center for School Leadership Development, 140 Friday Center Drive, Chapel Hill, NC

Participant: "UNC System Department Chairs Workshop"; January 26 - 27, 2012

• Council of Colleges of Arts & Science, Hyatt Regency Savannah, GA

Participant: "Seminar for Department Chairs"; February 23 - 25, 2012

• UNC Charlotte ADVANCE Faculty Affairs & North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC

Participant: “Charting Your Path 2012: Strategies for Success in Academe: A Conference for STEM

Women Associate Professors and Their Administrators.” May 14, 2012

• UNC Systems Biology Chair Conferences (Co-organizer and Participant):

- East Carolina University, Greenville, NC; February 1, 2013

- UNC Greensboro, Greensboro, NC; February 28, 2014

Prof. Klotz CV