Environmental Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry in Death Valley, California, USA
【Time】: 2013-7-18 (星期四) 3:30pm    【Count】: 1424   【Updated on】: 2013-7-15
【Venue】: C3-311 Xiping Building
【Speaker】: Wenbo Yang, Geochemistry Specialist
【Institution】: University of California, USA
【Host】: Senjie Lin   【Contact】: Ling Li 2184665
Ph.D. (09/1993 - 11/1996) - Geochemistry, University of Calgary, Canada
MSc. (01/1991 - 06/1993) - Geochemistry, University of Calgary, Canada
MSc. (09/1985 - 08/1988) - Environmental Isotope Geology, Graduate School of University of Science and Technology of China, Saline Lake Institute of Chinese Academy
BSc. (09/1978 - 08/1982) - Analytical Chemistry, Chengdu College of Geology, Chengdu, China
Professional Experience:
Geochemistry Specialist (08/2002 – present), Dept. of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Research Associate/PDF (01/1999 – 08/2002), Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, USA
Research Associate/PDF (08/1997 – 12/1998), Marine Sciences Research Center, State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA
Research Associate/Teaching Assistant (01/1991 – 07/1997), Dept. of Geology & Geophysics, University of Calgary, Canada
Professional Memberships:
The Geochemical Society (GS); 
The American Geophysical Union (AGU);
The Geological Society of America (GSA);
The International Association of Hydrological Science (IAHS).
Current Research Interests:
Stable isotope (C, H, O, S, N & Ca) and trace element research related to environmental geochemistry, low-temperature geochemistry, aqueous geochemistry, biogeochemistry, sedimentary geochemistry, marine geochemistry, chemical hydrology, chemical oceanography, paleoclimatology, global change, fluid inclusions in minerals, diagenesis of carbonates, atmospheric chemistry, astrobiology/geobiology, ecology etc.
Synergistic Activities:
Reviewer for
The National Science Foundation (NSF);
Board of Regents' Pilot Funding for New Research (Pfund) program, the Louisiana Board of Regents;
The Elsevier Publisher:
Chemical Geology
Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta
Selected Publications:
Refereed Journal Papers:
Erdman, Monica; Lee, Cin-Ty; Yang, Wenbo; Ingram, Lynn (in press) Sulfur concentration in geochemical reference materials by solution ICP-MS, Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research.
Cin-Ty Lee, Wenbo Yang, Lynn Ingram and Donald J. DePaolo (in review) Sulfur isotopic compositions of deep arc cumulates and implications for sulfur cycling in subduction zones, Nature.
Byrne, R,. Park., J., Ingram, L., Yang, W., Bohnel , H. and Kienel, U. (in prep.) A 400 Year (AD 1550 to AD 1950) Stable Isotope Record from Rincon de Parangueo ,Guanajuato, Mexico. To be submitted for publication in the summer of 2011.
Byrne, R,. Park., J., Ingram, L., Yang, W., Bohnel , H. and Kienel, U. (in prep.) A high resolution record of late Holocene (3000 BP to 0 BP ) climate change on the northern frontier of Mesoamerica.
Byrne, R,. Park., J., Ingram, L., Yang, W., Bohnel , H. and Kienel, U. (in prep.) Holocene climate change in Central Mexico; A stable isotope record from Rincon de Parangueo, Guanjuato, Mexico.
DePaolo D.J., Yang W., Ingram B.L. and Owens T. (in prep.) Stable isotope (Ca, H and O) and major element geochemistry in the modern Death Valley hydrological system, California. Geochimca et Cosmochimica Acta.
Ewing S., Yang W., DePaolo D.J., Michalski G., Kendall C., Stewart B., Thiemens M. and Amundson R. (2008) Non-biological fractionation of stable Ca isotopes in soils of the Atacama Desert, Chile . Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. v.72, p.1096-1110.
Yang W., Lowenstein T.K. and Krouse H.R., Spencer R.J. and Ku T.L. (2005) A 200,000-year δ18O record of closed-basin lacustrine calcite, Death Valley, California. Chemical Geology, v.216, p.99-111.
Yang W. and Holland H.D. (2003) The Hekpoort paleosol profile in Strata-1 at Gaborone, Botswana. American Journal of Science, v.303, p.187-220.
Yang W., Holland H.D. and Rye R. (2002) Evidence for low or no oxygen in the late Archean atmosphere from the ~2.76 Ga Mt. Roe #2 paleosol, Western Australia. Geochim. Cosmoch. Acta, v.66, p.3707-3718.
Yang W., Krouse H. R., Spencer R.J., Lowenstein T.K., Hutcheon I.E., Ku T.L., Li J., Roberts S.M. and Brown C.B. (1999) A 200,000-year record of change in oxygen isotope composition of sulfate in a saline sediment core, Death Valley, California. Quaternary Research, v.51, p.148-157.
Lowenstein T., Li J., Brown C., Roberts S.M., Ku T.L., Luo S. and Yang W. (1999) 200,000 year paleoclimate record from Death Valley salt core, Geology, v.27, p.3-6.
Mak J.E. and Yang W. (1998) Technique for analysis of air samples for 13C and 18O in carbon monoxide via continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry, Analytical Chemistry, v.70, p.5159-5161.
Yang W., Spencer R.J. and Krouse H.R. (1997) Stable isotope compositions of waters and sulfate species therein, Death Valley, California: Implications for inflow sources and arid basin climate, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v.147, p.69-82.
Roberts S.M., Spencer R.J., Yang W. and Krouse H.R. (1997) Deciphering some unique paleotemperature indicators in saline lake deposits from Death Valley, California, J. Paleolimnology, v.17, p101-130.
Yang W., Spencer R.J. and Krouse H.R. (1996) Stable sulfur isotope hydrogeochemical studies using desert shrubs and tree rings, Death Valley, California, USA, Geochim. Cosmoch. Acta, v.60, p.3015-3022.
Yang W., Krouse H.R. and Spencer R.J. (1996) Improved techniques for stable isotope analyses of microlitre quantities of water from fluid inclusions in halite and concentrated brines, Chemical Geology (Isotope Geoscience Section), v.130, p.139-145.
Yang W., Spencer R.J. and Krouse H.R. (1995) Stable isotope and major element compositions of fluid inclusions in Cambrian and Devonian dolomite cements, western Canada, Geochim. Cosmoch. Acta, v.59, p.3159-3172.
Yang W., Spencer R.J., Krouse H.R., Lowenstein T.K. and E. Casas (1995) Stable isotopes of lake and fluid inclusion brines, Dabusun Lake, Qaidam Basin, western China: Hydrology and paleoclimatology in arid environments, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v.117, p.279-290.
Zhang B., Zhang P., Ran L. and Yang W. (1990) Distribution of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in salt lakes of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, China, Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, v.9, p.336-346.
Zhang P., Zhang B. and Yang W. (1989) Study on the model of the Postglacial climatic fluctuation in the Qinghai Lake region, Quaternary Research, N.1 (in Chinese), p.66-77.
Zhang P., Zhang B. and Yang W. (1989) Environmental evolution of the water body of Qinghai Lake since the Postglacial Age, Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, v.8, p.112-125.
Zhang P., Zhang B. and Yang W. (1988) The evolution of the water body environment in Qinghai Lake since the postglacial age, Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, v.6, p.1-14.
Refereed Papers in Books:
Nielsen L.C., Druhan J.L., Yang W., Shaun Brown and DePaolo  D.J. (2011) Calcium Isotopes as Tracers of Biogeochemical Processes.In: Mark Baskaran (Editor), Handbook of Environmental Isotope Geochemistry , Springer-Verlag.
Spencer R.J., Yang W., Roberts S.M. and Krouse H.R. (2000) Hydrology and climate change (200 to 100 ka), Death Valley, California, USA, In: A.S. Alsharhan, W.W. Wood, A.S. Goudie, A. Fowler, E.M.Abdellatif (Editors), Desertification in the third millennium (proceedings), A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Netherlands, p.117-122.
Yang W., Spencer R.J., Krouse H.R. and Lowenstein T.K. (1995) Stable isotope techniques for arid basin hydrogeology and brine evolution, In: Ch. Leibundgut (Editor), Tracer Technologies for Hydrological Systems, IAHS Publication No.229, p.297-302.
Lowenstein T.K., Spencer R.J., Yang W., Casas E., Zhang P., Zhang B., Fan H. and Krouse H.R. (1994) Major-element and stable-isotope geochemistry of fluid inclusions in halite, Qaidam Basin, western China: Implications for late Pleistocene/Holocene brine evolution and paleoclimates, In: M.R. Rosen (Editor), Paleoclimate and Basin Evolution of Playa Systems, GSA Spec. Paper 289, p.19-32.
Yang W., Spencer R.J. and Krouse H.R. (1994) Stable isotope biogeochemistry of Death Valley, California, USA, In: Mariusz O. Jedrysek (Editor), Isotope Workshop II (Extended Abstracts), International Isotope Society, Ksiaz Castle, Poland, p.191-193.