Dust Transport and Deposition to the North Pacific and Biogeochemical Implications
【Time】: 2013-7-18 (星期四) 10:00-    【Count】: 1585   【Updated on】: 2013-7-9
【Venue】: C2-403 Xiping Building
【Speaker】: Shih-Chieh Hsu, Research Specialist
【Institution】: Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
【Host】: Shuh-Ji Kao   【Contact】: Baiyun Wang 2183328

Publication List:

    1. Hsu, S. C., Lin, F. J., Jeng, W. L. and Tang, T. Y. 1998. The effect of a cyclonic eddy on the distribution of lithogenic particles in the southern East China Sea. J. Mar. Res. 56, 813-832.
    2. Lin, F. J., Hsu, S. C. and Jeng, W. L. 2000. Lead in the southern East China Sea. Mar. Environ. Res. 49, 329-342.
    3. Hsu, S. C., Lin, F. J., Jeng, W. L., Chung, Y. and Shaw, L. M. 2003. Hydrothermal signatures in the southern Okinawa Trough detected by the sequential extraction of settling particles. Mar. Chem. 84, 49-66.
    4. Hsu, S. C., Lin, F. J., Jeng, W. L. and Tang, T. Y. 2003. Spatial distributions of cadmium over a cyclonic eddy in the southern East China Sea. J. Mar. Syst. 39, 153-166.
    5. "Shih-Chieh Hsu*", Fei-Jan Lin, Woei-Lih Jeng, Yu-chia Chung, Lih-Ming Shaw, Kuo-Wei Hung, 2004, “Observed sediment fluxes of the southwesternmost Okinawa Trough enhanced by episodic events: flood runoff from northeastern Taiwan river and great earthquakes”, DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS, 51, 979-997. (SCI)
    6. "Shih-Chieh Hsu*", Shaw Chen Liu, Chuan-Yao Lin, Ru-Ting Hsu, Yi-Tang Huang, Yun-Wen Chen, 2004, “Metal Compositions and characterizations of PM10 and PM2.5 Aerosols in Taipei during the Springtime, 2002”, TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES, 15(5), 925-948. (SCI)
    7. Kao, S.J., Hsu, S.C., Horng, C.S., Liu, K.K. (2004). Carbon-sulfur-iron relationships in the rapidly accumulating marine sediments off southwestern Taiwan. In: Geochemical Investigations in Earth and Space Science. Eds. Hill, R.J., Aizenshtat, Z, Baedecker, M.J., Claypool, G., Eganhouse, R., Goldhaber, M., Leventhal., J., and Peters, K. The Geochemical Society Publication, 441-457. (Book Chapter)
    8. Charles C.-K. Chou*, Chuan-Yao Lin, Tze-Kuang Chen, "Shih-Chieh Hsu", Shih-Chun Lung, Shaw Chen Liu, and Chea-Yuan Young, 2004, “Influence of Long-Range Transport Dust Particles on Local Air Quality: A Case Study on Asian Dust Episodes in Taipei during the Spring of 2002”, TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES, 15, 881-899.. (SCI)
    9. Hsu, S.C., Liu, S.C., Jeng, W.L., Lin, F.J., Huang, Y.T. Lung S.C.C., Liu, T.H., Tu, J.Y. (2005). Variations of Cd/Pb and Zn/Pb ratios in Taipei aerosols reflecting long-range transport or local pollution emissions. Science of the Total Environment 347, 111-121. (SCI IF: 2.182)
    10. Hsu, S.C., Lin, F.J., Jeng, W.L. (2005). Seawater solubilityof natural and anthropogenic metals within ambient aerosols collected from Taiwan coastal sites. Atmospheric Environment39, 3989-4001. (SCI IF: 2.549)
    11. Kao, S.J., Horng, C.S., Hsu. S.C., Wei, K.Y., Chen, J., Lin, Y.S. (2005). Enhanced deepwater circulation and shift of sedimentary organic matter oxidation pathway in the Okinawa Trough since the Holocene. Geophysical Research Letters 32, L15609, doi:10.1029/2005GL023139. (SCI IF: 2.744)
    12. Hsu, S.C., Kao, S.J., Jeng, W.L. (2006). Quantitative links between fluvial sediment discharge, trapped terrigenous flux and sediment accumulation, and implications for temporal and spatial distributions of sediment fluxes. Deep-Sea Research, Part I, 53, 241-252. (SCI IF: 1.795)
    13. Hsu, S.C., Liu, S.C., Jeng, W.L., Chou, C.C.K., Hsu, R.T., Hung, Y.T., Chen, Y.W. (2006). Lead isotope ratios in ambient aerosols from Taipei, Taiwan: assessing the impacts of long-range transport from the Yangtze Delta. Atmospheric Environment 40, 5393-5404. (SCI IF: 2.549)
    14. Kao, S.J., Roberts, A.P., Hsu, S.C., Chang, Y.P., Lyons, W.B., Chen. M. T. (2006). Monsoon forcing, hydrodynamics of the Kuroshio Current, and tectonic effects on sedimentary carbon and sulfur cycling in the Okinawa Trough since 90 ka. Geophysical Research Letters 33, L05610, doi:10.1029/2005GL025154. (SCI IF: 2.744)
    15. Liu S.-C., Lin, C.Y., Hsu, S.C., Lung, S.C., Chou, C.C.K. (2006). An assessment of the impact of dust storms on oceans around Taiwan. Plateau meteorology, 25, suppl., 12-16. (non-SCI)
    16. Hsu, S.C., Liu, S.C., Kao, S.J., Jeng, W.L., Huang, Y.T., Tseng, C.M., Tsai, F., Tu, J.Y., Yang, Y. (2007), Water soluble species in the marine aerosol from the northern South China Sea: High chloride depletion related to air pollution, Journal of Geophysical Research 112, D19304, doi:10.1029/2007JD008844. (SCI IF: 2.953)
    17. Hsu, S.C., Liu, S.C., Huang, Y.T., Lung, C.S.C., Kao, S.J., Tsai F., Tu, J.Y. (2008), A criterion for identifying Asian dust events based on Al concentration data collected from northern Taiwan between 2002 and early 2007, Journal of Geophysical Research 113, D18306, doi:10.1029/2007JD009574. (SCI IF: 2.953)
    18. Chi, K.H., Hsu, S.C. Wang, S.H. and Chang, M.B. (2008), Evaluation of Dioxin-like Compounds in Atmosphere during Asian Dust Storm Episode in Northern Taiwan, Science of the Total Environment 401, 100-108. (SCI IF: 2.182)
    19. Kao, S.J., Jan, S., Hsu, S.C., Lee, T.Y., Dai, M.H. (2008) Mud budget imbalance in the Taiwan Strait with high fluvial sediment inputs from mountainous rivers. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 19, 525-546. (SCI IF: 0.407)
    20. Chou, C.C.K., Lee, C.T., Yuan, C.S., Hsu, W.C., Lin, C.Y., Hsu, S.C., Liu, S.C. (2008), Implications of the chemical transformation of Asian outflow aerosols for the long-range transport of inorganic nitrogen species. Atmospheric Environment 42, 7508–7519. (SCI IF: 2.549)
    21. Zehetner, F., Vemuri, N.L., Huh, C.A., Kao, S.J., Hsu, S.C., Huang, J.C., Chen, Z.S., (2008), Soil and nutrient redistribution along a hillside tea plantation in a reservoir watershed of northern Taiwan. Soil Science & Plant Nutrition 54, 618-626. (SCI IF: 0.690)
    22. Kao, S.J., Liu, K.K., Hsu, S.C., Chang, Y.P., Dai, M. (2008). North Pacific-wide spreading of isotopically heavy nitrogen from intensified denitrification during the last deglaciation. Biogeosciences 5, 1641-1650. (SCI IF: 2.813)
    23. Hsu, S.C.*, Liu, S.C., Huang, Y.T., Chou, C.C.K., Lung, S.C.C., Liu, T.H., Tu, J.Y., Tsai, F., 2009, “Long-range southeastward transport of Asian biosmoke pollution: Signature detected by aerosol potassium in Northern Taiwan”, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D14301, doi:10.1029/2009JD011725. (SCI)
    24. Hsu S.C.*, Liu S.C., Arimoto, R., Liu T.H., Huang Y.T., Tsai F., Lin, F.J. Kao, S.J., 2009, “Dust deposition to northern Taiwan and its biogeochemical implications in the East China Sea”, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D15304, doi:10.1029/2008JD011223. (SCI)
    25. Chi, K.H.*, Luo, S., Hsu, S.C., Kao, S.J., Chang, M.B., 2009, “Historical trends of dioxin-like compounds and metal in sediments buried in a reservoir in central Taiwan”, Chemosphere, 76(2), 286-292. (SCI) (IF: 3.253; SCI ranking: 6.7%)
    26. Cheng, M.T., Chou, W.C., Chio, C.P., Hsu, S.C., Su, Y.R., Kuo, P.H., Tsuang, B.J., Lin, S.H., Chou, C.K. (2008), Compositions and Source Apportionments of Atmospheric Aerosol during Asian Dust Storm and Local Pollution in Central Taiwan, J. Atmos. Chem. 61:155–173, DOI 10.1007/s10874-009-9131-8 (SCI IF: 1.478).
    27. Kung-Suan Ho*, Ju-Chin Chen, Chen-Feng You, Shih-Chieh Hsu,Ming-Huei Huang , 2009, “The First Occurrence of Suolunite in Taiwan: Its Physical Properties, Chemical Composition, and Genesis”, Collection and Research, 22, 1-13. (Others)
    28. Chung, C.C., Gong, G.C., Hsu, S.C., and Chang, J. (2009), Picophytoplankton Response to an Asian Dust Storm in the Oligotrophic Northwest Pacific Ocean. SOLAS News 9, 27.
    29. Tsun-Hsien Liu, Fujung Tsai*, "Shih-Chieh Hsu", Che-Wei Hsu, Chein-Jung Shiu, Wei-Nei Chen, Jien-Yi Tu, 2009, “Southeastward transport of Asian dust: Source, transport and its contributions to Taiwan”, Atmospheric Environment, 43(2), 458-467. (SCI)
    30. Hsu, S.C.*, Liu, S.C., Tsai, F., Lung, S.C.C., Lin, I.I., Chou, C.K.C., Engling G., Kao, S.J., Chan, C.Y., Lin S.C., Chi, K.H., Huang, J.C., Chen, W.N., Lin, F.J., Huang, C.H., Kuo C.L., Wu, T.C., Huang, Y.T., to appear, “High Wintertime PM Pollution over an Offshore Island (Kinmen) off Southeastern China: 1. An Overview”, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, D17309, doi:10.1029/2009JD013641.
    31. Chou C.C.-K.*, C.T. Lee, M.T. Cheng, C.S. Yuan, S.J. Chen, Y.L. Wu, W.C. Hsu, S.C.Lung, S.C. Hsu, C.Y. Lin, S.C. Liu, 2010, “Seasonal variation and spatial distribution of carbonaceous aerosols in Taiwan”, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 9563–9578.
    32. Hsu, S.C.*, Liu, S.C., Arimoto, R., Shiah, F.K., Gong, G.C., Huang, Y.T., Kao, S.J., Chen, J.P. Lin, F.J., Huang, J. C., Lung, S.C.C., 2010, “Dissolution of Asian dust iron during long-range transport: Effects of atmospheric processing, transport history, and dust and sea salt loadings”, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, D19313, doi:10.1029/2009JD013442.
    33. Hsu, S.C.*, Lin, F.J., 2010, “Elemental compositions of suspended particulate matter over the Yangtze estuary during the 1998 flood”, Journal of Marine Systems, 81, 323-334.
    34. "Shih-Chieh Hsu"*, George T.F. Wong, Gwo-Ching Gong, Fuh-Kwo Shiah, Yi-Tang Huang, Shuh-Ji Kao, Fujung Tsai, Shih-Chun Candice Lung, Fei-Jan Lin, I-I Lin, Chin-Chang Hung, Chun-Mao Tseng, 2010, “Sources, solubility, and dry deposition of aerosol trace elements over the East China Sea”, Marine Chemistry, 120(1-4), 116-127.
    35. Shih-Chieh Hsu*, Yi-Tang Huang, Jr-Chung Huang, Jien-Yi Tu, Guenter Engling, Chuan-Yao Lin, Fei-Jan Lin, Chao-Hao Huang, 2010, “Evaluating Real-Time Air Quality Data as Earthquake Indicator”, Science of the Total Environment, 408, 2299-2304.
    36. T. J. Christian, R. J. Yokelson*, B. Cardenas, L. T. Molina, G. Engling, S.-C. Hsu, 2010, “Trace gas and particle emissions from domestic and industrial biofuel use and garbage burning in central Mexico”, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, 565–584.