Earth's earliest oceans, atmosphere and life: Viewing three billion years of co-evolution through a geochemical window
【Time】: 2012-9-24 (星期一) 3:00pm-4:00pm    【Count】: 1390   【Updated on】: 2012-9-19
【Venue】: B206 Zeng Cheng Kui Building
【Speaker】: Timoghy Lyons, Professor
【Institution】: University of California Riverside, USA
【Host】: Deli Wang   【Contact】: Angela Liu, huiliu@xmu.edu.cn


Department of Earth Sciences

University of California, Riverside, CA  92521


Webpage: http://earthscience.ucr.edu/lyons.html



B.S.             Geological Engineering (w/ honors), Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, 1980.

M.S.              Geology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 1984.

M.Phil.        Geology, Yale University, 1987.

Ph.D.           Geology (Geochemistry), Yale University, New Haven, CT, 1992.



1980                       Exploration Geologist, Pennzoil Company, Denver, CO.

1986-1991  Teaching Fellow and Research Assistant, Department of Geology and

                        Geophysics, Yale University, New Haven, CT.

1992-1994  Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Geological Sciences,

                        University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

1994-2000 Assistant Professor, Department of Geological Sciences, University of

                        Missouri, Columbia, MO.

2000-2004  Associate Professor, Dept. of Geological Sci., Univ. of Missouri.

2005-          Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, University of California, Riverside, CA.



William E. Ford Prize (Yale), Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi

Dissertations Symposium on Chemical Oceanography (1991)

Organic geochemist, ODP Leg 165 (1995/1996); IODP SciMP/STP Panel (2003-2006)

Member, Penn State and ASU teams, NASA Astrobiology Institute (1998- )

Awarded, NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program (1999-2004)

America (1999)

Visiting Lecturer, University of Queensland, Australia (2000)

Awarded, William T. Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence (MU, 2001)

Visiting Scientist, Netherlands Institute of Sea Research (2001)

Panelist/Subchair, NSF-EAR and NASA-Exobio./Astrobio./MSL; Working Group, NSF Biogeosci. Prog.

Steering/Program Committee, Earth Systems Processes II (GSA)

Member, College of Reviewers, Canada Research Chairs Program (2004- )

Editorial Boards/Assoc. Ed.: J. Sed. Res. (95-03), G3 Advisory Board (07-10), Amer. J. Sci. (04-12), Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta (04- ), Biogeosciences (04-07), Geology (05-07), Geochemical Transactions (05-11), Geobiology (07- ), Global Biogeochemical Cycles (11- ), EPSL (12- )

Visiting Scientist, Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology (2005, 2007, 2008)

Fellow, Hanse Institute of Advanced Study, Germany (2007-2008)

1st Agassiz Visiting Lecturer, Harvard University (2008)

Keynote Speaker, Darwin Center for Biogeology, Netherlands (2009)

Comet Fellow, ARC Centre of Excellence in Ore Deposits, University of Tasmania (2010)

Elected, Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Sciences [AAAS] (2010)

Advisory Board, Petroleum Research Fund, American Chemical Society (2010-2015)

Member, NRC Committee, New Research Opportunities in the Earth Sciences at the NSF (2010-2011)

Leverhulme Visiting Professor, University of Cambridge (2011); Lifetime Fellow (Clare Hall)

Visiting Professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (2012)


R.A. Berner (Ph.D., Yale), L.M. Walter (Postdoc, U. Michigan)

GRADUATE STUDENTS (21 as primary advisor) AND POSTDOCS (10)

Students: A. Cruse, S. Bates, C. Bright, M. Formolo, A. Gellatly, B. Gill, E. Goldbaum, L. Hancock, D. Hardisty, M. Hurtgen, J. Kerns, J. Luepke, J. McBeth, K. Nguyen, J. Owens, N. Planavsky, C. Reinhard, A. Robinson, C. Scott, M.-J. Shim, R. Valentine

Postdocs: N. Balci, A. Chappaz, W. Gilhooly, L. Kah, A. Kelly*, C. Li*, P. Marenco, N. Riedinger, S. Severmann, L. Wehrmann (*co-mentored with G. Love)

SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (*student/postdocs authors)

Werne*, J.P., Sageman, B.B., Lyons, T.W., and Hollander, D.J., 2002, An integrated assessment of a “type euxinic” deposit: Evidence for multiple controls on black shale deposition in the Middle Devonian Oatka Creek Formation: American Journal of Science, v. 302, p. 110-143.

Sageman, B.B., Murphy*, A.E., Werne*, J.P., Ver Straeten, C.E., Hollander, D.J., and Lyons, T.W., 2003, A tale of shales: The relative roles of production, decomposition, and dilution in the accumulation of organic-rich strata, Middle-Upper Devonian, Appalachian basin: Chemical Geology, v. 195, p. 229-273.

Formolo*, M.J., and Lyons, T.W., 2007, Accumulation and preservation of reworked marine pyrite beneath an oxygen-rich Devonian atmosphere: Constraints from sulfur isotopes and framboid textures: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 77, p. 623-633.

Duan*, Y., Severmann*, S., Anbar, A.D., Lyons, T.W., Gordon, G.W., and Sageman, B.B., 2010, Isotopic evidence for Fe cycling and repartitioning in ancient oxygen-deficient settings: Examples from black shales of the mid-to-late Devonian Appalachian basin: Earth and Planetary Science Letters: v. 290, p. 244-253.

Boyer*, D.L., Owens*, J.D., Lyons, T.W., and Droser, M.L., 2011, Joining forces: Combined biological and geochemical proxies reveal a complex but refined high-resolution palaeo-oxygen history in Devonian epeiric seas: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 306, p. 134-146.

Lyons, T.W., Anbar, A.D., Severmann*, S., Scott*, C., and Gill*, B.C., 2009, Tracking euxinia in the ancient ocean: A multiproxy perspective and Proterozoic case study: Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 37, 507-534.

Lyons, T.W., and Gill*, B.C., 2010, Ancient sulfur cycling and oxygenation of the early biosphere: Elements, v. 6, p. 93-99.

Planavsky*, N.J., Rouxel, O.J., Bekker, A., Lalonde*, S.V., Konhauser, K.O., Reinhard*, C.T., and Lyons, T.W., 2010, The evolution of the marine phosphate reservoir: Nature, v. 467, p. 1088-1090.

Gill*, B.C., Lyons, T.W., Young*, S.A., Kump, L.R., Knoll, A.H., and Saltzman, M.R., 2011, Geochemical evidence for widespread euxinia in the later Cambrian ocean: Nature, v. 469, p. 80-83.

Lyons, T.W., Reinhard*, C.T., Love, G., and Xiao, S., 2012, Geobiology of the Proterozoic Eon, in Knoll, A.H., Canfield, D.E., Konhauser, K.O. (eds.) Fundamentals of Geobiology, Blackwell, p. 371-402.