Advanced Laser Fluorometry for Characterization of Natural Aquatic Environments: From Research to Commercialization
【Time】: 2012-9-17 (星期一) 9:00-10:00    【Count】: 1709   【Updated on】: 2012-9-14
【Venue】: B206 Zeng Cheng Kui Building
【Speaker】: Alexander Chekalyuk, Researcher
【Institution】: Columbia University, USA
【Host】: Haili Wang   【Contact】: Jing Dong 2185533

Alexander M. Chekalyuk


     Lamont Assistant Research Professor

     Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)

     Columbia University

     Palisades, NY 10964



Professional Preparation

   Moscow State University (MSU)      Physics                                                              B.A., 1977

   Moscow State University                  Physics                                                              Ph.D., 1982

(b) Appointments

July 2010 – pres.: Lamont Research Professor, LDEO of Columbia University, NY

2007 – June 2010: Doherty Associate Research Scientist, LDEO of Columbia        University, NY

2001-2006:      GEST fellow, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC); 

                        Research Associate Professor, Hampton University, VA

1998-2001:      Senior Research Associate, National Research Council – NASA GSFC, VA

1998:               Research Scientist, EG&G Technical Services, Wallops Island, VA

1997–1998:     Assistant Project Scientist, SIO, UCSD, San Diego, CA

1994–1997:     Visiting Investigator, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MA

1987-1995:      Research Scientist, Department of Physics, MSU, Moscow, Russia

1980-1987:      Assistant Research Scientist, Department of Physics, MSU, Moscow, Russia

(c) Publications

     (i) Most Closely Related

Chekalyuk, A.M., M.R. Landry, R. Goericke, A.G. Taylor, and M. Hafez. Laser fluorescence analysis of phytoplankton across a frontal zone in the California Current ecosystem. J. Plankton Res., 34(9), 761-777 (2012)

Chekalyuk, A. and M. Hafez. Photo-physiological variability in phytoplankton chlorophyll fluorescence and assessment of chlorophyll concentration. Optics Express. 19(23): 22643–22658 (2011)

Chekalyuk, A.M. and M. Hafez. Advanced laser fluorometry of natural aquatic environments. Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods, 6:591-609 (2008)

 (d) Synergistic Activities

·      Development and commercialization of the Advanced Laser Fluorometry sponsored by NASA, NOAA, NSF and ONR (2005-2012)

·      20 field campaigns with the Advanced Laser Fluorometer in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, Middle Atlantic and Southern California Bights, Gulf of Mexico, Chesapeake, Delaware and Monterey Bays, Delaware, York and Hudson Rivers (2005-12)

·      25 research cruises in the Indian, Southern, Atlantic and Pacific oceans, in the Baltic, Black, Red and Mediterranean seas, Chesapeake and Delaware Bays (1977-2008)

·      Development of LIDAR technology for remote assessment of phytoplankton photo-physiological characteristics with NASA Airborne Oceanographic LIDAR (AOL) Team (Goddard Space Flight Center); 6 AOL field campaigns since 1998