Bioavailability of Environmental Contaminants
【Time】: 2012-8-7 (星期二) 14:30    【Count】: 1132   【Updated on】: 2012-8-6
【Venue】: B206 Zeng Cheng Kui Building
【Speaker】: Jianying Gan, Professor
【Institution】: University of California at Riverside, USA
【Host】: Haizheng Hong   【Contact】: Haizheng Hong

Research interests:

1Environmental fate and risk assessment of pesticides, POPs, PPCPs, and PBDEs.

2Processes of organic contaminants in ecosystems, including biotic and abiotic degradation, adsorption, leaching and runoff.

3Bioavailability, aquatic bioaccumulation, and ecotoxicity of hydrophobic contaminants.

4Detoxification and remediation of organic contaminants.

5Method development for trace contaminant analysis