Lingfeng Forum

Initiated in 2004, the Lingfeng Forum continues to play an important role as a platform of "enlightening new ideas and promoting academic fusion" for MEL researchers.

Objectives and Aims: Questioning old theories and pointing out creative thoughts and viewpoints are greatly encouraged in this forum, so as to create a free academic exchanging environment and democratic atmosphere. Aiming at the cutting edge of modern sciences and confronting the future, Lingfeng Forum participants should make their efforts to promote the combination of different disciplines and the development of interdisciplinary research. Our final aims are to enhance the academic level of MEL, dig out future research directions for the applying of key funding and identify the projects worthy of the support from internal fund within MEL.

Participants: Young scientists and doctoral candidates are the main participants of Linfeng Forum, and scientists with high reputation will be invited too.

Procedures and Forms: The basic forms of Lingfeng Forum are commentary reports and keynote speeches, and an in-dept free discussion will be followed. The ratio of speeches and discussion is roughly 1:1 or 1:2, which will last for a whole day.

To provide more exchange opportunities for graduate students and to stimulate their academic creativity, the Student Lignfeng Forum was formally launched with the first one held on Dec 2, 2011.

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